“What? Don’t be crazy. Of course I’m coming back. I just… I need some time, some peace. The last few weeks have been…”


“Yeah, that’ll do.” I laugh, although it lacks any kind of amusement.

The last few weeks have been painful, torturous.


I lock that thought down.

“Okay, good. That’s good. I miss you,” she whispers.

“So aside from all this, what’s happened since I last saw you?” I ask, trying to get her to talk about something else, anything else that’s not going to involve me hearing his name.

She chats away about classes and gym practice, and I lose myself in the nonsense drama from Knight’s Ridge.

That place is so different to here. To everywhere I’ve ever been before.

Not only is everyone insanely wealthy, but it’s like an entirely different world that I’m not sure I’ll ever be a part of.

I’m used to Friday night football games and beer pong, not the rowing club and listening to every other person speak like they’re related to the queen. Hell, most of them think they’re important enough to be freaking royalty.

It would be so easy to put my foot down and try to re-enrol here. I’m sure I could easily rent a place with the tuition fees Dad would save alone. I could get a job, I could…

“Are you okay?” Calli asks, hearing my loud sigh.

“Yeah. I’ve just got thoughts running at a million miles an hour around my head. It’s hard to keep up.”

“I can imagine. Any idea when you might come back?”

Soon, I think. But that’s not what falls from my mouth, because I feel like I’ve lost my ever-loving mind even considering returning right now.

I shouldn’t miss that place. I should hate it and be glad I escaped.

The bullying, the stalking, the torment. All of it should be enough to keep me away.

But I can’t deny that I crave that kind of drama, that excitement, that risk.

I’ve never been one to take the easy route in anything, and running here means I’ve run away. And despite knowing I did the right thing, being here, resting, healing… I’m always going to feel like I chose the coward’s option.

“When it feels right.” When I’ve got the strength to look him in the eyes and stand my ground.

“Okay, well… I’m here. Whatever you need. Please, just call me,” she says, obviously sensing that I’m ready to hang up.

Talking to her is amazing, but it’s just a reminder of the new life I was building that I left behind.

“I will. I’m sorry I kept this from you, I—”

“I know you were just trying to protect me.” There’s an edge to her tone that I totally expect.

“I’m not them, Calli. I’ll always tell you everything, I promise. You’re the first person I’ve called. You’re the first person I wanted to talk to.”

“It’s fine. Honestly. I get it. Call me tomorrow, yeah?”

“I will. Have a good evening.”

“You too. Bye.”