It’s clear from their faces that he’s got them well and truly under his spell.

Traitorous assholes.

“What are your plans for the rest of the day?” I ask the girls, hoping like hell that whatever it is involves leaving the boys behind.

“Heading home to watch the game, remember?” Harley reminds me. It’s not just Zayn who’s now playing for the Maddison Kings Panthers, but Kyle’s brother is too, and he’s first string in his freshman year.

“Oh yeah,” I mutter.

“Sounds like fun,” Seb announces.

“You’ve had a long journey. You should probably go to wherever you’re staying and get some rest before you go home again,” I say, once again trying to remove his hand.

“Not happening,” he growls, pushing his hand higher—so high that his fingers brush my panties.

I gasp, but while everyone around the table might miss it, Seb doesn’t.

Leaning closer, he whispers in my ear, “I know you’re wet for me, Hellion. You might as well stop pretending you don’t want it.”

“I don’t,” I whisper-hiss, but I have to quickly smother a moan when his little finger brushes the damp lace.

“Sure,” he purrs, his voice deep and rough, sending thrills through me.

“The game doesn’t start for a few hours. Maybe you two should… talk,” Harley suggests, clearly aware of what’s happening at this side of the table.


“Sounds like a great idea,” Seb says, continuing the movement of his finger.

“No,” I repeat. “I’m coming with you guys. We’ve nothing to talk about.”

“I think we both know that’s not true, Hellion.”

“Oh God,” I whimper when the lace of my panties grazes my clit.

“I think we should definitely talk. Maybe on the beach.”

“You can have the keys to Kyle’s place if you want. It’ll be empty. You can have some privacy,” Harley offers.

Narrowing my eyes at her, I silently threaten to end our friendship right here and now, but all she does is smile at me.

“Just remember she’s still healing,” she tells Seb. “So keep the talking… gentle.”

“He wouldn’t know gentle if it smacked him in the face,” I scoff, earning me another graze on my clit.

“Oh, I don’t know,” he murmurs, somehow managing to slip his finger under the edge of my panties. “I’m all about surprising you.”

My fingers wrap around his forearm beneath the table, my nails digging into his skin with enough force he’s likely to end up with bloody little crescents when I remove them.

“Take all the time you want,” Kyle offers.

I’m just about to reply when Seb pushes his finger inside me.

“I’m going to hurt you for this,” I warn quietly.

“Oh, I’m banking on it, Hellion. What do you think I’ve been fantasizing about for the past few weeks?”

“I hate you,” I hiss.

“Yeah, that’s why you’re dripping down my hand right now.”