
My lips curl as we follow Stella’s friends out of the diner not long later. I can still taste her on my tongue from where I sucked my finger into my mouth—while she watched, her eyes betraying her true feelings despite her words—seconds before I slid out of the booth to let her up.

The temptation to make her come right there at the table was strong. There was no way everyone didn’t know what I was doing, but for once, my need to do the right thing and keep her pleasure all to myself was stronger. The second someone suggested leaving, I ripped my finger from her, much to her displeasure if her squeak of protest said anything.

The second we’re out in the warm sun, she spins toward me and without batting an eyelid, slams her tiny, curled fist into my stomach.

“Holy fuck,” I grunt, bending over as I try to catch my breath. Pride for my girl washes through me, making my cock even harder for her than it was before.

“Oh my God,” Ruby gasps with a laugh. “You hit him.”

“It’s the least the fucker deserves.”

“Bro, you should have just finished her off,” Ash states, as if it’s a fucking normal thing to say.

A smirk curls at my lips as I look from him to Stella.

“Oh, I don’t know. Making her wait only makes it more fun.”

“Your funeral, man,” Kyle adds, throwing his arm around his girl and moving away with the others.

“My car and Kyle’s place are yours as long as you need them.”

“Just make sure any blood or body parts are fully cleaned up before you leave.”

Clearly, Stella’s friends really do know her well.

“We’ll see what we can do,” I murmur, never taking my eyes from Stella’s angry ones.

In a flash, her friends are gone and it’s just the two of us and the crackling chemistry between us.

“Shall we?” I gesture toward the car park, but she doesn’t so much as move.

“Why would I go anywhere with you?” she spits, her voice full of venom.

“Because we have things we need to talk about.”

An evil laugh rips from her lips. “When have you ever wanted to talk?”

“Since you nearly got killed by some random guy who somehow had your knife.”

Her lips part as if she wants to continue fighting, but her intrigue wins out.

“Fine. But if I don’t like what you’ve got to say, then I will hurt you.”

“I’m counting on it, Hellion,” I say, happily following her toward the car she was searching inside before I announced my arrival earlier.

No words are said as I join her in the passenger side, feeling all kinds of weird being on the wrong side of the fucking car.

She angrily jabs her finger at the start button and backs out of the space.

“Are you healed enough to be—”

“Shut up,” she snaps. “You don’t get to be concerned about me. Not after all the shit you’ve pulled.”

“Fair enough,” I mutter, my eyes taking her in as she drives with ease.