Emmie’s still chuckling to herself when we part ways to head to our different classes.

I scan the room the second I step into my math class, but I’m not sure if I’m disappointed or relieved when I don’t spot the blonde.

I find myself a seat and get my things out as the rest of the room begins to fill with students.

I know the second I have eyes on me. My entire side burns with awareness, and after squaring my shoulders ready to face whoever it is that’s so interested in me, I look over.

Two girls stand blocking the doorway, much to the irritation of the students trying to get into the room.

I vaguely recognize them as the blonde’s friends and roll my eyes when they continue to glower at me.

“Girls, please. You’re both in the way,” an exasperated sounding teacher sighs, stepping up behind them.

My eyes widen when he appears over one of their shoulders. He doesn’t look old enough to be teaching, and shit, he’s hot.

Both of them practically fall over themselves to get out of his way and allow him into his own classroom.

“Sorry, Mr. Wicks,” they both sing, unashamedly batting their eyelashes at him.

Good God.

“Right, well. When you’re all ready, shall we get started?” he asks the rest of the room once he finally manages to get inside.

Turning my attention to where he situates himself at the front of the room, I put the scowling girls out of my mind, along with the arrogant douchecanoes, and focus on what I’m here for.

* * *

Something catches my eye as I pull up to the house. The first obvious thing is that Dad’s car isn’t here, but that’s no great shock. He’s hardly ever here. The second thing is the dark lump in front of the door.

I stare at it as I pull my car to a stop but quickly kill the engine and get out.

“Oh, ew,” I mutter when I step up to it and find it’s a dead bird.

Stepping around it, I push the front door open to discover Calvin, our head of security, waiting for me in gym shorts and a tank.

“For real?” I ask, knowing exactly what that look means.

“For real, Baby D. Go get changed. Your dad wants you ready for dinner in two hours.”

“Ah, so he’s going to grace me with his presence tonight, then?”

Calvin quirks a brow at me.

“Twice in one day. It’s almost like he’s feeling guilty for the school he’s enrolled me in,” I mutter, kicking my shoes off and heading for the stairs.

“Good first day then?” he quips.

“Fantastic. Can’t wait to go back.”

“You started a fight, didn’t you?”

I can’t help but laugh as I climb the stairs.

“You know me so well, Cal.”

He groans before shouting. “I’ll meet you in the basement. You can unleash some of that anger.”

I might give him shit, but working out with Cal is one of my favorite things to do.