A frustrated growl rumbles in the back of her throat.

“Your boyfriend sure seemed interested, though. You saw him looking, right?”

I shouldn’t bait her, I know that. But winding these bitches up is just too easy sometimes.

“I don’t know who you are, but let’s get one thing clear,” she spits as I twist the top of my gloss and set about topping up my red lips. “Seb is mine. I’ve got plans for the two of us this year. Plans that don’t involve skanks like you.”

My brows lift, but I don’t rise to it.

Seb… Sebastian.I let his name roll around in my head for a second or two. Annoyingly it suits him.

The image of his dark eyes burning into my mine as his cock moved inside me only days ago hits me, but I fight the smirk that wants to erupt on my face.

“Thanks for the heads up. But I think we should probably let Seb make his own decisions, don’t you?”

Dropping the tube back into my purse, I smack my lips together and turn to her.

My eyes track down her body for a beat, my nose curling up in disgust.

“Not that there’s really a decision to make here.”

When I turn away from her, I find Emmie has appeared from the stall and is standing behind me, watching our interaction with curiosity.

“You’re right. There’s no way he’d want your skanky, American arse.”

A smile tugs at the corners of my lips at her attempt to cut me down.

“Girl, you really need to work on your insults. I would’ve thought after the thousands of pounds your parents have thrown at your education,”—I throw my hands up to indicate our surroundings—“you’d be a little more intelligent. When you’re ready for a real argument, come find me.” With a wink in her direction, I flick my hair over my shoulder and march from the bathroom, once again with my head held high and a satisfied buzz flowing through my veins.

“Okay, so I have no idea who that bitch was, but that was fucking awesome,” Emmie says a few seconds later, catching up with me.


“Who’s Seb?” she asks curiously as we continue walking. Honestly, I’ve got no idea where we’re going, and quite frankly, as long as I don’t bump into Seb and his crew of douchebags or that bitch, I really don’t care.

“No one of any importance.”

“He clearly is to her.”

“She’s more than welcome to him in her quest to climb the social ladder. I have zero interest in all that bullshit.”

“Same,” Emmie agrees as we emerge from the building to find the sun shining.

“I thought it always rained in England,” I muse as we walk toward an empty bench.

“I’m sure you’ll experience plenty, don’t worry.”

Only five minutes after we sit down, the bell rings for our afternoon classes.

With simultaneous sighs, we get back up and grab our bags.

“It can only get better, right?” Emmie asks me when we’re almost at the door.

“Oh, I don’t know. I’ve had quite an entertaining day.”

“Gotta love a good bitch fight,” she mutters.

“Hmm… there’s a thought,” I whisper as I imagine dragging her to the ground by her hair. “There’s always lunch tomorrow.”