“Holy shit, is that your dad?” I ask, my eyes still locked on him.

He’s way too old for me, sure, but he is hot. Like… H.O.T.

“Uh, ew. He’s like… ancient.”

“Emmie,” I laugh. “You are neither blind nor stupid. You know exactly how hot your old man is.”

“He’s got a freaking six pack too,” she mutters as she takes off toward the entrance, much to my amusement.

“Oh my God. Tell me more.”

She shoots me a death glare over her shoulder.

I’m pretty sure she knows I’m joking.

“Sadly, you’re a little too late. I’m pretty sure he’s banging Miss Hill,” she announces as I catch up with her.

“No fucking way.”

She shrugs. “Something is going on. He’s being secretive as fuck. Even managed to convince him to finally buy me my own bike.”


“Just a shame the engine of it will be worth shit.”

“Only for a year, then you can get a bigger one, right?”

“I damn well will be, too.”

The second we step into the common room, all eyes turn on me.

Well, any hopes of what happened on Friday night being kept on the down-low were wishful thinking.

“What’s happened?” Emmie almost groans.

At least one person has missed the gossip.

My eyes find Teagan in the crowd of students and a spiteful smile pulls at her lips.

Of course the rumor spreading was all down to her.

I guess I can’t really blame her. I seem to have acquired exactly what she wants.

Seb’s fingerprints on my hips and his brand on my thigh burn as our stare holds.

“Hey,” Calli says, popping up out of nowhere. “We should probably get out of here.”

“I’m not cowering down to that bitch,” I spit.

“I’m not suggesting you do. I’d just rather not start my Monday prying you off her when she starts something.”

“A bitch fight to start the day sounds like exactly what I need,” I mutter as Calli’s hand wraps around my arm and she pulls me back out of the room. “Spoilsport.”

Emmie follows as we make our way down to the bathroom.

“Where are the guys? Their spots are empty.”

“They’ll be here.”