Emmie slips into one of the stalls and I take a step closer to Calli.

“Any news on what happened Saturday?” I ask, thinking back to finding Seb covered in someone else’s blood.

She shakes her head. “No, but Dad is tense as hell. He and Mum came back from their trip early and we had to spend almost all of yesterday at Theo’s while our dads basically locked themselves in my uncle’s office. I’ve got a bad feeling about it.”

Concern passes over her face as the toilet flushes.

“Everything will be fine. This is what they do, right? Kill people and shit.”

“Who knows,” she mutters.

“Did you spend all last night sexting Ant?” I ask loudly as Emmie emerges.

“Who’s sexting who?” she asks, falling right into my trap.

Calli groans, her cheeks heating as she ducks her head.

“Calli’s met a boy.”

“You really should have come to my brother’s party on Friday night, Em,” Calli says in retaliation. “Stella really… let her hair down.”

I can’t help but laugh.

“What she’s trying to say is that almost everything you’ll hear today that’s ultimately come from Teagan’s vapid mouth is true. I’m a shameless whore.”

Emmie shrugs as she washes her hands, her eyes meeting mine in the mirror.

“Sounds like I missed a good night. Count me in for the next one.”

The bell rings out around us and we all move toward the door. A wave of apprehension washes through me as I wonder what the rest of my day might hold.

I soon get an indication, because the second I step out of the bathroom, my eyes find a very dark pair loitering at the other end of the hallway.

Even with the distance between us, tension and chemistry crackle and all the hairs on my body stand on end.

He winks before pushing from the wall and slipping into the classroom beside him.

Was he waiting for me?