
My heart thunders in my chest as Seb releases me and disappears from my vision.

What the actual fuck was that?

Before I know I’ve moved, my fingers brush the patch of skin he just bit as my body burns from head to toe.

“Girl, no wonder you’re all anyone can talk about. I damn near came, just watching that,” Emmie announces, thankfully dragging me out of the Seb haze I’d just lost myself in.

“What? It was nothing.”

“Bet your panties don’t agree.”


It’s then that I realize the entire common room is almost silent as they stare at me.

“Everyone’s waiting to see if you’re gonna follow him and fuck him wherever he comes to a stop,” Emmie helpfully points out.

“Well, they’re going to be disappointed.”

“Either that or they’re counting on a bitch fight.”

Following Calli’s line of sight, I find Teagan with her two puppies on either side of her as she glares daggers at me.

Oh man, she is pissed.

“Do you think her head might explode?” Emmie mutters, trying and failing to cover her amusement.

“It’s possible,” Calli adds.

“Come on, let’s get out of here.”

Threading my arms through both of theirs, I lead them out of the room before I’m the cause of any more drama.

If I don’t get kicked out of this place before the term is up it’ll be a freaking miracle.

“You’re not just going to let her get away with that, are you?” Emmie asks.

“What? She didn’t do anything to me. And I’m pretty sure being publicly humiliated by Seb was enough of a lesson for her.”

“Wasn’t for you,” Calli mutters lightly.

“What actually happened Friday night?” Emmie asks. “And don’t even think about feeding me with bullshit this time.”

The bell rings, putting an end to our discussion.

“Meet us at lunch and I’ll tell you all my naughty secrets. If you don’t hear the gossip before then.”

“Oh, I’ve heard it all. I just want to know which parts are actually true.”

“Probably all the worst bits.”

Her eyes sparkle with excitement. “That’s what I was hoping for.”

I’m still laughing as I walk into my morning class, although my amusement soon vanishes when every set of eyes turns toward me.