So much for starting here and just hiding in the crowd. In only a week I’ve made myself the target of all the guys who are desperate for some action and all the girls who need a reason to be bitches.

I’ve been propositioned by more guys in the past twenty-four hours than I have in my entire life. Each one makes my skin crawl that little bit more. Mostly because I know it’s all my own fault.

Saturday morning might have been relatively private with only the six of us aware of what happened down in that basement. But I wasn’t exactly discreet in my revenge plan on Friday night.

I slump down in my seat and fight a yawn.

I hate that I spent most of last night waiting for a midnight visitor who never appeared. When I woke from a fitful sleep full of dirty dreams involving the crazy things he does to me, my body was wound up so tightly I almost immediately reached for the vibrator in my top drawer.

I have no idea why I pulled my hand back at the last minute. I want to believe it has nothing to do with the fact that he told me he was in charge of my body, my pleasure, but I think I’m only lying to myself.

“Is this seat taken?”

Looking up, I find a zit-covered, innocent-looking boy. I have no idea how he can only be months younger than the guys, but he looks like a child compared to them.

Probably because he’s never been covered in someone else’s blood and done the things they have. Whatever they might be.

“No,” I say honestly, although I do shift my chair over to put some more space between the two of us.

I swear to God, if he even tries to come onto me I’m going to snap his fucking neck.

By some miracle, Teagan and her bitches actually stay out of my way for the rest of my day, but I know my peace is coming to an end unless I skip out on gymnastics this afternoon, which won’t be happening.

I need the exercise, the release. And if that just so happens to come with a side of breaking Teagan’s nose, then I’m all in.

“Ready for this?” Calli asks as she pushes through the door to the locker room.

“So ready,” I say, dramatically cracking my knuckles and making her laugh.

“Yeah, you really need to teach me a move or two,” she mutters, reminding me of our conversation the other day.

“I’ll teach you everything I know,” I promise her.

All eyes follow our movement across the locker room, but while Teag might stand there with her hands on her hips staring daggers at me, she doesn’t say a word.

“Do you think he ripped her tongue out?” Calli whispers, clearly finding it as strange as I am.

“We can only hope.”

As if Miss Peterson knows, she puts us in a different team for the afternoon so Teagan and I are always at opposite ends of the gym.

I spot her glancing between the two of us more than once, so I figure the gossip has done the rounds through the staff as well as the students.

I’m on full alert as I say goodbye to Calli after practice and make my way to the other end of the parking lot.

There are a few kids loitering around, but thankfully none of them pay me any mind as I pass them all.

Familiar voices sound out behind me, and a quick look over my shoulder tells me that Teagan and her crew are following me. Fantastic.

Dragging my bag up higher on my shoulder, I prepare for the impending fight, already wincing at the thought of her talons dragging across my face, because there’s no way she’s not going to fight like a girl.

With my head held high, confident that I can handle anything that she throws at me, I round the corner toward where I left my car.

But the second my baby comes into sight, it’s like someone pulls the world from beneath me.

Oh no she fucking didn’t.

“You fucking bitch,” I bellow, turning on my heel, putting my car behind me as I fly at her.