I don’t need to hear her confession. I know without her uttering a word that she’s the one who organized covering my baby in red fucking paint. The guilt and smug satisfaction are written all over her face.

My fist curls, ready to slam it into her smug little face. I pull my arm back but never get to throw the punch I’m so desperate for because a strong pair of arms wraps around my waist and hauls me back.

“Get the hell off me. Look what she did.” I throw my arm out in the general direction of my car as my anger bubbles over and I fight again to try to get away. I don’t even bother looking back to see who’s holding me—my sole focus is getting to Teagan.

The innocent smile she turns on me has me lashing out harder, but still, I can’t get loose.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about, honey.”

An angry growl rips up my throat as she steps around us, just out of my reach.

“Oh. What a shame. It was such a pretty car as well. I hope it doesn’t take too much to clean off. See you tomorrow.”

Her eyes lift from mine and she winks at whoever is holding me before she slips into Lylah’s car and they race out of the lot.

“You can put me down now,” I seethe, wriggling once more.

The strong arms finally release me and I break free, spinning on my heels with my fists still clenched, more than ready to wail on my captor instead of Teagan.

Until my eyes find his face.

“Toby?” I sigh.

My anger subsides momentarily, but then I remember that he’s done everything he can to avoid and blatantly ignore me since Saturday morning and it returns full force.

“No,” I bark. “You do not get to try to protect me. To fucking protect her after what she’s done.”

“Her father will get you kicked out of here if you hit her, Princess.”

I suck in a deep breath, my chest rising with it.

“You do not get to decide for me. If I get kicked out for knocking the dumb bitch out, then that’s on me. I don’t need you to get in the middle. I’m a big girl. I can make my own decisions.”

His face pales at my words, his hand rubbing awkwardly at the back of his neck.

“So I’ve been made aware.”

“What’s going on with you? I’ve tried to reach out. I’ve tried to apologize but you’ve just blanked me. I’m sorry you didn’t like what you saw, but there’s not a lot I can do about it now.”

Blinded by anger, I storm away from him when he doesn’t respond, ripping my car door open and flooring the accelerator the second the engine turns over.

My breathing is still just as heavy when I pull up on the driveway at home.

I fly through the front door and down the stairs toward the gym. I don’t bother picking up my boxing gloves as I go. I don’t bother taping my hands like Calvin always insists I do. Instead, I just go full throttle at the bag, imagining it’s Teagan’s face.

My chest heaves, sweat dripping from me as I throw everything I have at the bag, venting all my frustration at Teagan and her bullshit prank along with all the other shit that’s been keeping my muscles pulled tight over the past few days.

The only relief I’ve had was his visit the other night. That’s been the only time I’ve been able to get out of my own head.

Damn him.

I want to hate him, but it’s hard when he gives me the escape I crave.

“ARGH,” I scream, throwing punch after punch at the bag.

My hair sticks to my face and neck as sweat trickles down my spine.

I lose all concept of time and eventually my muscles begin to turn to jelly, but I still don’t stop. I can’t.