“Just a diner. I’ve been here a few times. It’s good.”

“Fair enough.” I pull up into a space a little down the street and climb out of my car.

“They’re already inside,” Calli says nervously, dropping her cell back into her purse.

“Let’s go then.”

Threading my arms through hers, I tug her in the direction of Marco’s.

The second we push through the door, two guys stand from a booth at the back of the diner and Calli trembles beside me. I instantly feel at home in the red, white and black American-style diner. But I don’t get a chance to enjoy it. Calli’s nerves are too intense.

“Chill the hell out,” I whisper. “Look how excited he is to see you.”

I’m not lying. I was right when I told her Ant’s eyes would practically pop out of his head.

“Come on.”

We walk over with smiles on our faces as both of the guys eat us up.

“Hey,” Ant says to Calli. “You look incredible. I love the hair.”

“Thanks,” she says, reaching up to touch it nervously. “It was a spur of the moment thing.”

He gestures for her to sit beside him, so I slide in with Enzo, who’s smiling at me like the cat who just got the cream.

“They make a cute couple, huh?” I say, reaching for the menu and doing my best to show him just how uninterested I am in him. “So, what’s good here?”

I jolt when his fingers brush my shoulder.

“It’s good to see you again, Stella. I’ve thought a lot about you this week.”

Oh God. I swallow nervously and force myself to look up at him.

“We danced for like, ten minutes. You barely know me.”

“Maybe not. But I’d really like to get to know you. And looking at those two, I might just get my wish.”

Glancing at Calli, I find that she’s already lost herself in conversation with Ant as if they’re long-lost friends.

It’s cute, and I’m really happy for her that she’s found something outside of her overbearing family. But hell, I wish I didn’t have to babysit the guy’s friend while she finds herself.

“We’ll see,” I mutter, pulling the menu forward again once more.

We all order when the server comes over and Enzo continues to drag me into conversation while the other two barely come up for air.

“So, what are your plans for tonight?” he asks, sliding a little closer.

I’m right on the end of the bench thanks to the last few times he’s attempted the same move. I’m screwed now unless I want to end up on the floor.

“I’m just going to visit the bathroom.” I excuse myself and hop up. “Calli, you coming?”

“Uh…” She looks between me and Ant, torn.

“We’ll still be here when you get back,” Ant assures, and she stands, following me through the doorway to the bathroom.

“Oh my God,” she squeals the second we’re out of sight. “He’s amazing. Like, totally amazing. Don’t you think?”

“Uh… he seems to really like you,” I say. I hardly have an opinion on him, seeing as he’s spoken no more than five words to me since we arrived.