“Oh my God,” she squeals again. “Thank you.” She throws herself at me, hugging me tight.

“You’re welcome,” I say with a laugh. “Enzo wants to know if we wanted to go watch a movie after this,” I say reluctantly. I really don’t want to sit in a movie theater with Mr. Handsy, but I’ll do it for Calli. She’s gonna owe me big for this.

“We’re going, right? Say yes. Please, say yes,” she begs.

“Whatever you want. You’re in charge today. It’s going to cost you though,” I add as we both walk into the stalls.

“Enzo is cute. You should just go for it.”

“He is,” I agree honestly. He just… doesn’t affect me in any way. Dancing with him was fun, but it was nothing like having my body pressed against a certain someone else’s.

“Do not tell me this has anything to do with Seb,” she warns.

“What? No, of course not. I hate him.”

“Yeah,” she laughs. “That’s how you feel about him.”

“It doesn’t really matter. I can hardly get close to anyone right now while I’ve got his fucking initials carved into my thigh,” I hiss.

“That’s gonna heal and like… vanish, right?” she asks a beat before her toilet flushes, so I hold my reply until I meet her at the sinks.

“I really fucking hope so. I’m not living the rest of my life with his name on me.”

Calli winces.

“Or I’ll just have to get it tattooed over or something.”

“It’ll be fine. I’m sure of it.”

“We’ll see.”

“So yes to the movie, and you’ll make an effort with Enzo? That doesn’t have to involve him…” Her eyes drop to my crotch.

“Sure. Sounds like fun.”

We make our way back to the table, much to the delight of both of the guys waiting for us.

Enzo hasn’t moved an inch, so when I sit back down, we’re basically shoulder to shoulder.

I shouldn’t care. The old me would have been all up for whatever he had to offer.

Fucking Sebastian. He’s in my head, and he needs to fuck right off.

Thirty minutes later, the four of us are walking inside the movie theater. I leave all the decisions to Calli, which is something I instantly regret when I discover that she’s opted for the new rom-com that’s recently released. What was wrong with a thriller, or at least something with a decent gun fight and car chase?

With a sigh, I follow the happy couple to the darkened back row of the theater and flop down between Calli and Enzo.

As has been our afternoon, Ant immediately monopolizes Calli’s attention, so I’m forced to humor Enzo some more.

The movie is dull. It’s all ridiculous jokes and sickly-sweet romance, something that Ant seems to get the benefit of because right here at the back of the movie theater, Calli gives him her first real kiss and the two of them spend almost the whole movie making out.

It’s sweet. And I’m not at all jealous. Nope. Not a bit.

It seems Enzo might just have been feeling a little left out too, because his fingers that were content on brushing my shoulder and hand in the diner have managed to find their way to my thigh.

“We’re going to a party tonight,” he whispers in my ear, his lips entirely too close to my body. “You should both come.”

“I think I’m busy tonight.”