The journey across the city is shorter than I was expecting, and I’m soon climbing from his car and thanking Toby once again for the lift.

“You want me to swing back when you’re finished?”

“No, seriously. You’ve done enough.”

He wants to argue, I can see it in every inch of his face, but he bites it back and nods instead.

“Have fun.”

“I’ll do my best. Thank you.”

“Anytime, Princess.”

“Yeah… uh… don’t let that stick. I’m not a fucking princess.”

Alex’s eyes meet mine before I close the door. There’s something in them, but I don’t hang around long enough to even attempt to figure it out.

“You have to be fucking kidding me,” I say a little too loudly once I’ve navigated my way to the locker rooms after refusing the help of the woman at reception.

All faces turn toward me. Most look completely oblivious, apart from the one my eyes are locked on.

Teagan Weston is quickly becoming the biggest pain in my ass, and that’s something considering I’ve got Seb after me, wanting to ruin me or whatever bullshit he spat at me this morning.

“You have to be joking,” she screeches.

“I really, really wish I was.”

“Are you literally trying to take over my life?”

I can’t help but laugh. “Trust me, your life is the last thing I want.”

Turning my back on her, I walk farther into the room and thankfully into someone who is much happier to see me.

“Calli?” I breathe, a genuine smile on my face.

I didn’t only choose to join this squad because it’s got the best reputation, but also because it’s not the closest to school, and I kinda hoped I could leave all the stuck-up bitches behind. Seems I might not have been the only one to think like that.

“You should have said you were joining.”

“If I knew you cheered, I would have.”

“I’m so glad you’re here.”

I smile at her while Teagan continues to fume behind me.

I change, fully prepared for a repeat of my gymnastics try-outs the second I walk out into the gym.

Thankfully, that’s not my experience at all. It turns out that our coach is fucking fierce, and she takes zero shit from her girls or any messing about.

It’s perfect, and other than the lasers of hate Teagan shoots me anytime we come within a few metres of each other, nothing happens.

And to ensure it stays that way, the second we’re done, I grab my stuff and get the hell out of there.

She can think I’m running if she likes, but quite frankly, I’m just fed up with looking at her face. Bitter does not look good on her.

I’m almost jogging as I exit the building, and the last thing I expect is to run into a solid body blocking the doors.

“What the hell?” I gasp, trying to catch my breath.