“Heard you might need a lift,” a deep voice rumbles.

Lifting my eyes from his wide chest, I find an amused set of green ones staring down at me.

“What the hell is it with you lot? Anyone would think you’re my fucking babysitters.” Taking a step back, I suck in a deep breath that’s not full of the scent of hot boy. “Let me save you some time… I don’t want, or need, looking after by any of you. I’m more than capable of looking after myself. Just ask Seb, he’s got the wounds to prove it.”

“I’m more than aware, Princess.”

“And what’s with the dumbass nickname?”

“Shall we?” he asks, gesturing toward the street and completely ignoring everything I’ve just said.

“No, we shall fucking not.” Marching past him, I hitch my bags up higher on my shoulder and storm out of the building. “Of fucking course,” I mutter to myself when I discover it’s pouring down with rain.

I look down the street in each direction, wondering which way to go as I get assaulted by what feels like ice cold droplets.

“Ready to give in yet?” a smug voice says. “The nearest tube station is about an eight-minute walk, or you could just stand here and wait for an Uber. Or, you could get in my dry fucking car and let me take you home.”

“Why? Why do you want to escort me home? Teagan’s in there. I’m sure she’d love a visit.”

“Nah, Seb’s welcome to her,” he says.

Rolling my eyes, I take off toward the lot, it’s the most sensible decision if I don’t want to end up drenched.

“I want you to know that I’m not happy about this, and if you try anything, then I’ve still got this.” I pull Seb’s knife on him and flip it open.

His eyes widen in shock, but I soon discover it’s not because I’m threatening him.

“Seb gave you his knife?” he asks as we fall into his fancy-ass Maserati.

“Oh yeah, we’re like BFFs. We share everything. He’s also got two pairs of my panties.”

His head rears back in shock.

“Two? I know about the graveyard, Princess. But is there something else I should know?”

“Asshole,” I hiss.

“It’s Theo, actually. Good guess, though.”

Pulling my hair down from the messy bun I threw it up in before practice, I redo it while Theo starts the car and puts the heat on—I’m assuming for my benefit, seeing as I’m not exactly wearing a lot and am now dripping in rainwater.

“So, what brings you to London?” he starts once I’m strapped in.

“Who says I haven’t been here a while?”

He glances over at me and raises a brow in a ‘do I look like I was born yesterday’ expression.

“Fine. My dad’s work. We’ve moved all over America. I’ve been to at least one new school a year before we’ve moved on again.”

“How come you hopped across the pond this time?”

“Honestly? No idea. Dad doesn’t really go into detail about what he does.”

“Which is?”

“Security, I think. He made it clear that it wasn’t my business a few years ago, so I keep my nose out of it and just let him do his thing.”

“What about your mum? How’s she feel about all the moving about?”