
“What’s wro—ugh, really, Seb?” Teagan whines when she follows my stare and finds what—or who’s—caught my attention. “She’s hardly your type.” Teag rolls her eyes so hard, I swear it must hurt. I hope it fucking does. My teeth grind as I push her away from me. “What?”

Taking a step closer to her, I stare down at her, my expression hard. “Don’t pretend you know anything about me, Teag.” Her lips part to argue, but I cut her off. “All you know is how hard I can make you come. Don’t think there’s any more here than that.”

Her lips twist in irritation, but she clearly gets my warning because she keeps her mouth shut.

Stepping past her, I rejoin the guys at the table, who take one look at my face and push away the girls who were pawing all over them.

Usually, I allow it. Hell, I more than allow it, especially if it ends up with us in that little storage room a little down from the restaurant, but not today. Today, I want to wrap my hands around someone’s fucking throat and squeeze the life out of her… and as much as Teagan might get on my tits, she’s not the one I’m interested in.

“You gonna tell us what the fuck is going on yet?” Theo barks, his jaw tics in frustration.

I get it. I’ve been like a bear with a sore head since the second I learned just whom I’d fucked in that graveyard only a few nights ago.

I was still fucking furious when I turned up at his doorstep and demanded alcohol no less than an hour after she walked away from me.

He assumed it was because of the date. He called Alex and the three of us got wasted, raising a glass or ten to those I’ve lost. But little did they know, that was only the tip of the iceberg.

Alex shoots a look toward Stella and my fists clench, a move that doesn’t go unnoticed by anyone around the table.

“You know we’ve got your back, man. But you’re gonna need to give us a fucking clue here,” Nico says, sounding weirdly concerned for once in his life. Motherfucker usually doesn’t give two shits about anything.

Clearly just as shocked by his concern, his cousin, Theo, turns his eyes from me to him.

“What?” he barks. “Would you rather he kill someone?”

Theo’s lips part to say something, but Toby beats him to it.

“Leave him be. If Seb don’t wanna talk then he don’t have to. Hell knows I don’t share my secrets with you twisted motherfuckers,” he mutters with a smirk.

Reaching over, I squeeze his shoulder.

“See, why can’t you all be more like Tobes? Let me drown in my own misery.”

Movement across the restaurant catches my eye, and my heart jumps into my throat as I watch her pick up her tray, dump the contents and head for the exit.

Nice try, Doukas.

“Her pussy must have been really fucking good,” Alex concludes, making Nico and Theo snort a laugh.

“Fuck this. I’m out.”

Abandoning what’s left of my lunch on the table, I leave them behind without a second thought, following her like a fucking junkie needing a fresh hit.

Their concerned stares burn into my back, but I don’t give a fuck about them. The only thing I can think about is her. About the fact that she and her fucking cunt of a father dared showed their faces in London, let alone start here.

Knight’s Ridge is our empire. Not his. And it’s certainly not hers.

Most kids in this place give me a wide berth on the best of days, but with the current scowl on my face, everyone damn near jumps out of my way as I trail after her.

She’s completely oblivious to the fact that she’s got a stalker as she turns the corner, her ass swaying, her short tartan skirt that I’m sure is meant to be demure riding a little too high on her thighs with every step she takes.

Tugging up the hood on the hoodie I shouldn’t be wearing, I continue after her.

A few kids glance between us with concern etched onto their faces, but not one of them would be brave enough to get in the way of my intentions.