The only ones who’d risk it are still sitting in the restaurant, completely oblivious as to what my issue is with this girl. I’ve not so much as breathed her name to them, because the second Theo hears it, he’s going to know, and he’s going to be standing right behind me as I take exactly what I’m owed from this girl.

But as much as I might appreciate his support, right now, I want her all to myself.

She slips into the girls’ bathroom without so much as looking over her shoulder.

She seemed pretty perceptive that night in the graveyard, but it seems that maybe she’s let her guard down.

Silly, silly girl.

The second I step into the toilets behind her, the three girls doing their makeup at the basins turn to me, their eyes wide and fear covering their faces. Another who walks out of one of the stalls actually yelps.

But none of their reactions stop Stella as she closes the cubicle door behind her, forcing me to wait.

Without saying a word, I shoot a look over my shoulder to the exit, and the girls stop what they were doing and all but run.

It seems luck is on my side that this room was filled with nerds who are terrified of us and not Teag and her friends who’d want to try to jump my bones the second I walked in.

The door slams behind the last one and I set about making sure we’re alone, swinging each door open to ensure there’s no innocent little girl hiding.

Once I know that no one’s about to jump to her rescue, I rest my ass back on the basin and fold my arms across my chest.

“Didn’t think you were a hider, Hellion,” I growl after a few silent seconds.

“And I didn’t have you down as someone who wants to listen to me pee, asshole.”

The corner of my lip twitches before I remember that nothing about this girl is meant to amuse me.

I hate her.

Hate. Her.

After a few seconds, she lets out a frustrated sigh before clothing starts rustling and she flushes the toilet.

The moment she pulls the door open and reveals herself, my breath catches in my throat.

I try to slam down my reaction before she notices, but if the way her eyes narrow tells me anything, it’s that I was right about her perception skills.

She knew I was following her, yet she thought it was a good idea to lead me in here.

I keep my eyes on her face as she moves toward me.

I could only make out the basics of her features in the moonlight that night, but I knew it was her the second she stepped out of her car.

No other girl I’ve ever come across would drive a matte black Porsche 911. Weirdly, and even more annoyingly, my first thought was that it suited her. Suited us.

Her white blonde hair is hanging smoothly around her shoulders, almost like a curtain, and her makeup has been applied so perfectly she’d give Teag and her girls a run for their money.

Her curves, that I still vividly remember having pressed up against me as I pinned her to the tree, are mouth-watering under her uniform.

“Finished?” she asks with a scowl on her face as she steps up beside me and reaches for the soap and then the tap to wash her hands.

“We haven’t even started yet, Hellion,” I warn, but she doesn’t so much as flinch at my cold tone.

“Was there something you actually wanted?” She turns her back on me and pulls a paper towel from the dispenser to dry her hands.

Using her moment of distraction, I close the space between us, forcing her front against the cold, tiled wall before her.

Fighting my groan as her arse presses against my cock, which is interested in way more than proving how much we hate her, I remind myself of the reality.