“You’ve been with boys, right?” I ask, although I immediately regret it because the way her face drops tells me everything I need to know.

She shakes her head.

“They literally scare everyone away from me. It’s suffocating.”

“Brace yourself, Cal. We’re gonna find a way for you to spread your wings. Fuck your brother. Fuck his idiot friends. They can’t control you. You’re your own person, and you deserve to get out there and experience life. Experience boys.” I wiggle my brows and she groans.

“I’m going to regret this.”

I pin her with a look. “You can only regret the things you didn’t do, Calli Cirillo. Now,” I say, turning to my bag and pulling out the two dresses I brought with me and holding them up. “Which one?”

Her eyes dart between the two before they lock on one. “Black. Definitely black.”

I glare at her. “I’m not dressing for him,” I snap, more than aware that it seems to be their favorite color.

“I’m not suggesting you are, but equally, it’ll knock him on his fucking arse, especially if your pert one is rubbing up against someone else’s junk.”

“You’re wicked for someone who’s been locked in your castle, Princ— Motherfuckers,” I hiss, the reason behind their dumbass nickname slamming into me.

“What’s wrong?”

“Those jerks have no idea who they’re dealing with,” I mutter, mostly to myself.

“Oh shit. What are you going to do?”

“I have no idea. But it’s time they learned—Seb learned—that they’re messing with the wrong girl. Everyone else might bend to their wishes, but I will not.”

“Girl, I think I love you.”

“You ain’t seen nothing yet.”

“I would legit pay to see you take them all to the floor. I have no doubt you can.”

I can’t help but laugh at the visual that pops into my head of them all groaning in pain on the floor and me standing victorious in the middle of the mess.

“I’ll give it a damn good shot. Now, what are you wearing?” I drag her wardrobe open and run my hand through the endless array of designer clothes staring back at me. “Does your grandmother shop for you or something?” I ask.

“My grandmother is dead,” she shoots back, making me feel about an inch tall.

“Shit. Sorry, I—”

“It’s fine. Honestly, she was a bitch. But no, my mother does, and she’s all about making my dad happy, so…”

“Okay,” I say, closing the door once more. “You can wear this one.” I throw her the red dress she didn’t choose for me.

“Oh, no no no no,” she laughs, backing away from the dress with her arms wrapped around her waist as if it’s about to attack her.

“Come on. You were just saying that you wanted a ride on the wild side. Break some rules, Cal. Be wicked with me.”

“Nico, he’ll—”

“Probably shit his pants, and it’ll be fucking hilarious.”

“He’ll be furious.”

“So let him. He’s an asshole. You’re in sixth form. You’re not a kid anymore. Stop letting him treat you like one.”

“But the others…”