“Can suck his tiny dick. We’re doing this.”

I launch the dress at her and place my hands on my hips as I wait for her to grow a pair and pull it on.

The second she does, I’m glad I stood my ground, because… wow.

“If I were into girls, I totally would do you right now.”

“Stella,” she gasps. “You can’t say stuff like that.”

“What? You look banging. Guys will literally fall over themselves to get a look at those tits.”

“They’re going to kill me,” she mutters.

“I’d like to see them try.”

I step up behind her, place my hands on her shoulders and direct her toward the full-length mirror.

“Look, you’re hot.” I gather up her hair into a messy updo, leaving a few strands falling around her face. “Dark eyes, blood red lips. They won’t even recognize you.”

“Promise you won’t leave me,” she begs, her eyes holding mine over her shoulder in the mirror.

“Promise, babe. And I won’t let them touch you either.”

“Okay. Do it.”

A wide smile pulls at my lips at the determination I see on her face.

“Hell yes, girl.”