Movement over her shoulder catches my eye, and I find Seb talking to Theo and Teagan’s little bitches.

“Maybe in a bit. I’ve got something I need to do first.”

Following my stare, she groans.

“You’re not going to beat them, you know that, right?”

“Says whom? They haven’t come up against someone like me before.”

She studies me for a moment as if she can read my intentions on my face.

“Those idiots take bromance to a new level. You won’t break them. Trust me, more than a few have tried.”

“Again. Not me.”

Turning to my drinks, I knock each one back, the liquid warming my belly the second it hits.

“You go. I’ll be up in a bit. Promise.”

I drop a kiss on her cheek then walk away, slapping her ass as I go.

Almost every set of eyes in the room follows me as I stalk across the vast space with my head held high and a determined look on my face.

Passing Alex, I swipe the joint from his fingers and suck in a hit, seeing as my high from earlier was easily killed by the asshole whose eyes are shooting so much hate at me I’m surprised I haven’t gone up in flames yet.

Theo leans toward Seb and whispers something in his ear, but my eyes are locked on Seb’s angry ones, so I don’t have a chance of lip reading whatever it was. Not that I really give a shit.

Shoving both Lylah and Sloane out of the way, I step right up to Theo.

“Watch where you’re going, bitch,” one of them whines, but I pay them zero attention.

With my hand in the centre of his chest, Theo allows me to push him back against the wall as I continue holding Seb’s eyes.

The warning in his is loud and clear, and it only spurs me on—that along with the alcohol and the blunt.

“Princess, I really don’t think—”