
All the air rushes out of my lungs as Stella presses the length of her body against Theo’s and slams her lips down on his.

He’s my boy, so I’m not surprised that his first reaction isn’t to immediately kiss her back.

His hands go to her shoulders, ready to push her away as his eyes find mine, but he never gets the chance to do anything because she grabs his wrists and drags his hands to her arse.

He hesitates longer than he should, but I get it. She’s fucking hot and just thrown herself at him.

Resting back against the pool table behind me, I fold my arms over my chest and watch them.

She’s doing it to piss me off, to punish me for not kissing her in the bathroom. But what she doesn’t realise is that she’s missed the mark by a fucking mile.

I trust my boys with my life. And while I might have warned them not to go anywhere fucking near her, I also trust them with her.

I’ve ensured they won’t go after her, but that doesn’t mean they’ll always behave, especially with my permission.

His eyes continue to hold mine as she kisses him, urging him to return her attention.

All it takes is one single nod of my head and he caves. His eyes slam closed and one of his hands moves from her arse, skimming up her curves until he threads his fingers into her hair and takes control of the kiss, tilting her exactly as he wants.

My stomach twists as I watch them… but equally my cock swells and my need to go over and join in almost becomes too much to bear.

I’m about to push off the table when I spot two people approaching from different directions.

Calli is the first to get to me.

“What the fuck are you doing?” she squeals. Her eyes are wide, her face flushed in a way I’ve never seen before. That probably has something to do with the fact that we’ve never let her party with us. Nico seems to have forgotten that she’s here as he wraps some slut’s leg around his waist, blatantly thrusting into her on the other side of the room.

I’d put money on the fact that Calli hasn’t seen what he’s up to, otherwise I’ve no doubt he’d be on the wrong end of her wrath right now instead of me.

She waves her hand in the direction of Stella and Theo, her eyes impossibly wide as she stares at me.

“Why are you letting that happen?”

“Seb,” Toby warns, his lips pressed into a thin line when he joins us.

“Why do we do anything we do, baby C? We’re just having fun. Ain’t that right, Tobes?” I sit up on the pool table and rest back on my palms, my eyes firmly on Stella and Theo, halting the game the couple of drunk guys were attempting to play behind me. Unfazed, they both wander off.

“No, we’re fucking not. You need to stop this bullshit before she ends up getting hurt.”

“Aw, Tobes. It’s so cute that you care. But she’s nothing more than a fucking whore. I’m just letting her get her kicks.”

His fist flies toward me, but I see it coming a mile off and catch it before it connects with my face.

“You’re wrong, she’s nothing like that.”

“No? So she didn’t just blow me in the kitchen, fuck me in the bathroom and then come straight out here and start all over again with Theo?” I hop back down, more than ready for another drink.

Stepping up to Toby, I tap my palm on his chest. “You’re fucking deluded if you think she’s an innocent little princess sent from above, man.” I lean into his ear. “She’s one of us. Let her act like it.”

I don't need to look at him to know anger covers his face. It radiates off him in waves.

"If you can't hack it, maybe take baby C and go and play with her Barbies or something."

With a smirk, I walk off toward the kitchen and the half-empty bottle of vodka Stella left behind.