Page 14 of Black

I wasn't sure where my feelings were going with her. She is on the back of my bike, she was in my work area, and I let her look at my sketches, something I have never let another chick do. I started out just wanting to get in her pants, but somehow I feel like this is more. Putting my mind on the road and scenery, I decided to enjoy the ride and not over-think things. Today was about the freedom of the open road, brotherhood, and the bike's vibration.

We stopped at a biker bar the club was familiar with called, 'Hogs' not too original, but the place was clean and had good drinks and finger foods. This would be our only stop before heading back. We took a table with Shadow and Mary, had some drinks, and made small talk before heading back.

Ann was more comfortable with the bike on the ride back, relaxing her hold. I couldn't wait to be alone with her. I was going to hold to checking those panties of hers.

A very thorough inspection with my tongue.

Once back in Hope Chapel, Kickstand and I veered away from the rest of the club to head to Ann's apartment. I hoped Kickstand made quick work of what he needed to do and be gone. I had plans for Ann, and he wasn't part of them.

Pulling our bikes next to Ann's red Mercedes and getting off. I could see a note under the wiper of her car. Kickstand spotted it too, going over to pick it up by its edges. "What does it say?" I asked Ann, coming up beside me. Kickstand held the note so we could see. It read:

As I continue to watch you.

Our eyes shaded the same.

I see your mind starts to wonder.

What is my game?

"What could this mean?" Ann asked, her fingers rubbing her forehead, clearly freaked out.

"I'm going to get that camera working," Kickstand said, pivoting on his heel and walking briskly to the side of her parent's house.

Bringing Ann into my chest for a hug. "We'll figure this out, and in the meantime, I will stay here at night."

Pulling back, she looked up at me, fear in her whiskey eyes. "I don't like this, Black, someone is watching me, and it scares the hell out of me."

"Kickstand will get the security cameras working properly, and we will catch whoever this asshole is before he can do anything."

"Do you think he will bother me at work?"

"I will talk to Shadow, and we'll get a prospect to watch out for you when one of us can't be with you," I assured her.

"Really? Shadow would do that?"

"He already said he would. We just need to set it up. Come on, let's get inside."

I checked her apartment out to make sure no one was hiding in there. Ann really needed a gun, and I put that on my mental to-do list. The notes were handwritten and had bad penmanship, which made me assume it was a man. Ann, as small as she was, didn't stand a chance.

"I'm going to take a shower, and an ‘FYI’ for you, the door will be locked," Ann said, that sassy mouth twisting in a smirk.

"How cute, you think that lock can keep me out," I said, holding back a smile at her expression of disbelief.

Arching her brow. "I swear, Black, if you do, I will twist your dick off," she warned.

Placing my hands over my crotch in mock horror. "Okay, Ann, hurry to the shower but save your panties for me. I need to check them after the ride."

Not even bothering to respond, proving me right, she huffed and walked into her bedroom, slamming the door.

I went back out to my bike, bringing in the overnight bag I kept in the compartment of my motorcycle for emergencies since I forgot to grab something earlier. I saw Kickstand heading my way from the back of the house.

"I got the camera working, and I will see you a link to the feed. I'm going to head out since you will be here with Ann. I will let Shadow know what's going on," Kickstand said.

"We need a prospect on her during the day. I was going to talk to Shadow tomorrow, but you can hit him up tonight."

"Will do. I'll let you know who will replace you in the morning." Kickstand got on his bike and took off.

I went back into the apartment, binding my time until I would make my move. I wanted Ann, and I know she felt the same. I just had to get her to act on it.

Mhairi O'Reilly's Novels