Page 13 of Black

"Have a seat, Ann, you know Kickstand, of course, but this guy here is Runner," Black said, introducing us.

"Nice to meet you, Runner," I said, sitting beside Black. These road names were hard to remember.

"You too, Ann," Runner said, glancing up from his plate and then continuing to eat, a man of few words apparently.

"So, Ann, the camera facing your garage apartment doesn't work. I'm going over there after the ride and have a look at it. I'm assuming you and Black will head back there also. I don't want to set any alarms off or anything," Kickstand said.

"That's odd; that it doesn't work, my father is usually very diligent with stuff like that."

"Maybe he didn't realize it, but I can fix it," Kickstand said with confidence pushing his glass up on his head.

"Who's gonna let me on the back of their bike for the ride?" The woman called Lexi said, leaning down to hug Runner, with her chest to his back, arms coming around his front. I was surprised to see him stiffen and move her arms away, getting up and leaving, leaving Lexi slack-jawed. There was definitely something going on with Runner.

"Sorry, Lexi, I'm not returning to the clubhouse after the ride," Kickstand said.

"I've got Ann on the back of my bike," Black said, winking at me and giving me that killer smile of his. I had to watch myself with him.

"Okay then, I'll hit up some of the others," Lexi said, looking somewhat dejected.

"Sure, you don't want to change your mind; it looked like an easy ride for you," I mocked, giving him a half-smile.

"Nah, I like feeling your claws at my back, but you can sheath them until your underneath me," Black smarted back at me.

"I'll see you two on the ride," Kickstand said, getting up and leaving.

"We better head out too, I need to check the air in my front tire, so I need to roll it around back to the garage."

"Lead the way," I said as we walked outside.

He walked his bike to the back of the clubhouse, where an oversized three-bay garage stood. Opening one of the bays, he pushed his bike inside. "It'll only take a minute to check the air," he said.

"So, this is where you work?" I said, looking around the place. It was amazingly clean and organized. I wasn't expecting that. Walking over to a desk, I saw sketches of bikes; they were good. And looking around some more, there was a part of the garage that you could tell was just for him, where he built his custom bikes.

"Yep, this is where I spend most of my time unless Shadow has me doing something else."

"How many bikes do you build in a year?"

"Usually only one, I custom build it, using my original design and then sell it. I make a pretty good profit doing it. I've done three so far, and they sold quickly," he said, pride in his voice.

I had no idea Black had such a talent. I always assumed he was just a big goof-off by his attitude, and I'm not sure I wanted to know this side of Black because I liked ittoo much. And for the millionth time this morning, wondering what the hell am I doing here with him today.

"Okay, the tire is good. Are you ready?" He said, getting on the bike, putting his helmet on, and holding one out to me.

Walking to the bike, taking the helmet. "Yes, but remember I'm new to riding; take it easy."

"Sure thing Ann, as long as you’re able to control your desire for me and not let that pussy get too wet by being so close to me, we'll be fine," he said with a smirk and a wink.

I slapped him across the head, "Dream on, some desperate chick has been filling your cocky head with bullshit," I scoffed, climbing on behind him.

"We'll see the truth when I check those panties of yours when we stop." He laughed, pulling forward, causing me to grab hold of him or fall off, leaving me with the image of his hand exploring inside my jeans. I was going to lose this bet.



I PULLEDinto line beside Doc; it looked like around fifteen bikes today. Shadow in the front with Fuse by his side would lead the way. Viking wasn't riding today. Throwing his hand up, Shadow signaled to pull out. Fall was one of my favorite times to ride, the colors on the trees made for fantastic scenery. I was still getting used to having Ann at my back, and she was still holding on as if she would tumble off at any second, her fists tight on my cut.


Mhairi O'Reilly's Novels