Page 12 of Black

"I wish I had something to tell you, but no, nothing. How he’s hiding, I can't figure out. I know he is making trips to the area, but he disappears as fast as he's spotted. I've got eyes all over, so he's bound to get caught."

"I say we keep doing what we're doing, making him think our guards down, making him bold. And we keep our eyes and ears open," Vampire said.

"Lord, are you and Moreno doing another scout ride to Pittsburgh?" Shadow asked.

"Yeah, we are heading out Wednesday. Spend the day see what we can find," Lord answered.

"Just be cautious. I don't trust anyone outside of this club. Any other business?" Shadow said, waiting a minute. "The ride today will leave at noon. Church is over."


"GOSH, ANN, I have to say I'm surprised to see you here and with Black no less," Summer said.

"No more than me, I assure you," I said, telling her what had happened the night before.

"Oh, wow, don't take it lightly. It sounds like a stalker. Be careful; you never know what's going through someone's head, and I should know," she said, patting her cast.

And she would her ex was a psycho. "Oh, I am. That's why I'm with Black and agreed to go on a bike ride today. I didn't want to be alone."

"So there's nothing more to it, no hooking up or anything?" Summer asked.

"No way. When I came here last night and had to go outside while that party was going on, Black had a half-naked woman on his lap. He's a player for sure."

"Oh, I'm sorry you saw that, but at least Black and Kickstand left the party to help you. That was nice, and Black staying the night to protect you was even nicer."

"Summer, can I ask you something without you taking offense?"

"Sure, what's on your mind?"

"Last night when I went out there, naked women were dancing and having sex with the club men. How do you stand it? It was like a big orgy, and I can't imagine dealing with my man being exposed to it and possibly joining in."

"I trust John, and he doesn't participate in the weekly parties they have where they get wild like that. A large group of the club members doesn’t take part and just hang out in here, where we can have a drink and socialize. I'm not going to lie and say that having these women available to the men is okay with me. It's not. But John explained why they were here and assured me he has not slept with any of them," Summer said.

"I applaud you and Mary; I don't think I could do it. It seems like a recipe for disaster, but I will admit that by being here, I have seen that not all the men here are pigs," I said, trying to make my tone light.

"There all good guys; some just aren't ready to settle down. And they take advantage of what's been made available to them. But, they are like a big family, and for me being here saved my life in more ways than one," Summer said with a sincerity that said she was speaking from the heart.

"I'm glad, Summer; you deserve to find happiness," I told her, hugging her. I didn't want to bring her down with my inner musings; my insecurities about cheating men were just that mine.

"I wish I could go on the ride, but I can't until my cast comes off, and John won't go without me. We are house hunting this afternoon. We are ready for our own place."

"Any idea when the wedding will be?"

"We are still working it out. I am going to meet his parents at the end of the week in Florida. We wanted to talk with them first before deciding anything," Summer said.

The men started filing into the room, Viking coming to Summer's side and picking her up to carry her out of the room, "Bye Ann, have fun on the ride," She said from the safety of Viking's arms as he swept her out of the room.

Shadow walked up to me. "Ann, I heard you had a problem. I want you to know if you need anything to let me or Mary know. Black and Kickstand say they have it under control for now and will keep me posted."

This was a surprise. Shadow never talked to me. "Thanks, I’ll be careful. Where is Mary?"

"Let's just say she had a tiring night, I let her go back to sleep this morning, but she will be on the ride," Shadow smirked, turning and walking out of the room, I'm assuming back to Mary.

Black walked up to me. "Come on, let's get something to eat before we the ride. Jane does a damn good buffet."

I followed Black into the Kitchen; I had been in here before but never to eat. There were about fifteen men and women already seated, and I was still not comfortable being there, and it was stressing me out. Black sensing my mood, put his hand on my back, guiding me to the setup buffet. "Grab a plate and grab what you like," he said, grabbing his own plate and getting started.

I took a plate, and the food did look good; I was a sucker for pancakes and bacon. So I put some of each on my plate and grabbed an orange juice from the tray of beverages, Black had found a seat beside Kickstand and a dark-haired man who personified the word biker, mustache, long beard, and tattoos on every exposed part of his body, even a couple small ones on his face, and black eyes, or at least they looked black.

Mhairi O'Reilly's Novels