Page 11 of Black

WHY Iinvited Ann today, I wasn't sure, I hadn't planned on it, but as I was looking at her being all snarky with me, I found myself asking her to spend the day with me, or as she probably took it the club. I wasn't sure if Shadow would be on this run today, but I figured that would get her to go, and it did.

I only went to club meetings when I was summoned unless it was our monthly full member meeting since I wasn't an officer or higher-ranking member, so Shadow must need me for something. I would give my life for this club; it saved my life. I would be sitting in jail right now if it wasn't for The Devil's House MC. But, like I told Ann, my mood can get very black, and it has gotten me into quite a bit of trouble.

I felt Ann's little hands tighten around my stomach. She was scared, typical for a first ride, and I felt satisfaction knowing I was her firstto give her a ride on a bike, that is, I thought, holding back a chuckle.

I've never had a girl at my back except one of my sisters. The back of a man's bike was sacred when it came to who rode there.

So, why did I let Ann?

This chick has got me all over the place. I hate her one minute and want to fuck her the next. What I do know is she feels right sitting at my back.

Parking in front of the clubhouse, I let Ann slide off, following her, "So you enjoyed the ride?" I asked, taking in her flushed face and windblown hair.

"I did, though my legs feel like jelly. Other than that, it was exhilarating," Ann gushed. Her face flushed pink from the ride.

I really did like this Ann, the Ann that wasn't uptight and always ready for battle. Don't get me wrong, I like a little sour with my sweet, but the last day is the only time I've gotten the sweet from Ann.

"You will build up a tolerance the longer you ride," I told her as we walked inside. Upon entering the common area, I was glad to see Summer sitting there reading. Viking must already be in the room we held church. I left Ann with Summer and made my way to the meeting. I hoped to become an officer in the club one day, so I liked it when Shadow called on me for projects and assignments.

Going in and taking a seat, I looked around the room to see all the officers present, along with King, Lord, and Moreno, who were usually here, along with me, Poison and Wrath. I'm guessing a run is coming up, and I'm up.

Hitting the gavel bringing the meeting to order, "We have a lot of business to discuss, so let's get started. Kickstand the first order of business. Did you get all that money transferred out of those off-shore accounts?"

"Sure did. Summer's ex embezzled over a million dollars, which now belongs to us. I have it hidden in some fake accounts and will slowly move into our account," Kickstand said.

"Some of the easiest money we've ever made, we may have to look into the cyber game of stealing money, easier than running guns, that's for sure. Which brings me to why I need you three here today," Shadow said, waving a hand in our direction, "We have a run coming up in a few weeks. I need you three to head down to South Carolina and meet up with Devil, and you can stay at the clubhouse there. His club is in on this run also. Fuse will get you a route for down, and on the ride back, one of you will drive the van. This shipment is big, but we take half, and the South Carolina chapter will take half. So get things in order; you will be gone for two weeks. Any questions?"

"Nope, we got it," All three of us said in unison.

"Good, now, Viking, you have something to say." Shadow motioned to Viking.

"Yeah, I will be leaving to head to Florida with Summer in a few days. With her cast, we are driving it. I am taking her to meet my parents, and I will be gone a week, so I need you to take turns helping Soldier and Reader out with the nightclub. I also talked with the club women, laying down the law. After the incident with Wanda and before her, Carla and Fuse had a bit of a problem with Lexi. Obviously, the women were spoiled by not having many old ladies around. So I let them know under no circumstances would the club tolerate disrespect toward our old ladies. So they start shit, they're out, no warning, they're gone," Viking said, his tone and eyes hard, telling everyone he meant what he said.

The women who signed on to be our club girls were told upfront how things were, so getting attached shouldn't be something they did. I don't judge the girls. If you like to fuck, so what, but the hard truth was, the brothers here would not make them old ladies. No brother wanted a chick all his friends had a tasted. As far as the brothers were concerned, it was just a good time, nothing more.

"Now, Black, Kickstand said Ann had a problem last night with a stalker, and you stayed at her apartment last night. Anything out of the ordinary happen?" Shadow asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Stick up her ass, Ann? So you got in there?" Vampire asked, surprised.

"She's not all that bad once you talk to her," Kickstand said defensively before I could jump in with my own defense of her.

"She can be a little prickly; you just have to know where to put your hands so you don't have blood drawn," I said with a sly wink.

"You're going to regret it, don't say I didn't tell you so," Stonewall said, raising his hands up in surrender.

"Enough, we aren't in High School. All I want to know is, do you think she's in danger, I'm not a fan of Ann, but I don't want to see her hurt either," Shadow snapped, never one for goofing off when business needed doing.

"I'm not sure. Nothing happened last night. Kickstand, did you find anything on the security cameras?" I asked.

"There is a camera there, but it doesn't work. I plan on heading there this evening and checking it out. The other cameras on the property didn't show any unusual activity. No prints other than ours on the note either."

"I brought Ann with me today, I invited her on the ride this afternoon, and she accepted. I will also be spending the night there again, On her couch, just in case," I said.

"I have to say I'm surprised. Ann has never shown interest in anything with the club, and Mary will be pleased. I don't know if I am; just don't fuck up whatever you’re trying to do. I will be the one to have to hear it. Keep me posted about the situation," Shadow said.

"Will do. Between Kickstand and me, we should be able to protect her."

"Shadow, any sign at all of Cross and his broke ass club?" Viking asked.

Mhairi O'Reilly's Novels