Page 10 of Black

She was perfection!

"Fucking Hell, Black! What are you doing?" She screeched, grabbing a towel.

Tucking myself back into my underwear, flushing the toilet, and turning to face her, I had to work hard to push the lust down that I was feeling at seeing her completely naked. It was way better than my imagination had ever been.

I moved closer to her, but before I could get too close, she reached out and twisted my nipple hard, causing a small yelp from me, "Get the hell out of here, Black," She yelled, pushing me toward the door, trying hard to hold onto the towel.

I walked out of the bathroom, the door slamming shut behind me, rubbing my hand over my now sore nipple. It was worth it and kinda hot to boot. Shit, how was I going to get the image of her naked body out of my mind? Those perfect round tits with dusky nipples to go with that curvy ass, unblemished skin, and toned legs held up by those tiny feet.

I went back into the living room and put my clothes on before I went back in there and gave us what I knew we both wanted.


BLACK DIDN'Tseem to understand boundaries. Seeing him standing there as I got out of the shower made it worse because I had been thinking about him. Thank goodness I didn't relieve the pent of desire I had from being around Black, which I had thought about doing after getting a good look at what he was packing in those jeans, that would have been so embarrassing and kind of hot depending on how you look at it. I had to remember Black was a player; usually, I would just go with it, but there was something different about this man that I didn't want just to play around.

Throwing on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, I went out into the living area, Black, thankfully dressed, "What part of the bathroom door being closed and the shower running confused you as to the room was occupied?" I snarked, giving him an icy glare.

"When you gotta go, you gotta go." Black smiled, shrugging his shoulders.

The typical Black answer. "Well, since you've seen me naked, you could at least give me your real name." Naturally, I was super curious to know it.

"Colton Dale Murphy at your service, little general," he said, saluting me.

"Colton, the name fits you. So why do they call you Black?"

"Because there are times my mood is so dark all I see is black and nothing else," he said, with a hint of wariness in his voice.

That didn't sound promising. Black was always smiling and goofing off, I can't imagine him having a dark side, but from experience, I know people can keep them hidden. Learned that from my own family.

"So, what are you doing today?" Black asked, pulling me back to the conversation.

"I don't know, probably just hang out here. I really haven't thought about it."

"Why don't you come with me back to the clubhouse, I have to be present for church, but after we always ride when the weather is nice like it will be today, you can come along; Mary will be there," Black said.

"You mean ride, like on the back of your bike?"

"Yeah, have you ridden before?"

"No, never, and I'm not sure I want to; it seems dangerous." I don't know if I'll survive on the back of Black's bike, being that close to him.

"It's fun, and what else are you going to do but sit here? I don't like you being here alone. Plus, you can talk to Kickstand and see if he found out anything."

I genuinely don't want to be alone today, and Mary will be there. It doesn't have to mean anything. “Okay, but I can take my car, so you don't have to bring me back."

"No, I will bring you back. I will stay here again tonight until we know who is watching you. You need protection."

"Black, I appreciate the offer, but you are not the most gracious house guest when it comes to closed doors," I smirked.

"Fine, I won't open closed doors, now get some shoes on and grab a jacket so we can go. I have to be there by ten."

I can't believe I'm doing this. Where is the Ann that would have simply said no and stuck with it, I asked myself as I put on socks and tennis shoes, grabbed my warm jacket, and followed Black out the door to stand next to his black beast of a bike.

"All you need to do is hold on to me and lean when I do; just go with it. I will take it easy since you are a new rider," Black said, handing me a helmet, getting on, and waiting for me to climb on behind him. I put my hands on his sides and waited while he started the bike and then pulled out of the spot with a jerk causing my arms to circle his midsection and hold on for dear life.



Mhairi O'Reilly's Novels