Page 9 of Black

"Maybe you should stay at the clubhouse tonight or your parent's house. You shouldn't be alone if someone is watching you." Black suggested.

"My parents are on an extended stay in California, and I wouldn't feel right staying at the clubhouse without Mary there," I said.

"Why, do the people there bother you?" Black said with a frown. Defensive.

He took what I said the wrong way, "No, I just don't know anyone there that well; Mary and Summer are the only two I really talk to."

"Well then, I guess I will stay here. That couch looks comfortable enough," Black said, stroking his beard as if in thought.

"You cannot stay here, no way," I snapped, crossing my arms over my chest and stiffening my body, reaching my pitiful height.

Raising his lips in a slow and sexy smile. "Afraid to be alone with me, Ann? I know I'm hard to resist, so I completely understand you being hesitant and all." He finished with a smirk.

"Hardly, the club girls have given you the illusion of being irresistible, but out here in the real world, you can trust that you are easy to resist," I mocked, giving him a smirk of my own and tossing my hair over my shoulder.

With a gleam in his gold eyes. "So, there shouldn't be a problem then. Mary would never forgive me if I let anything happen to you, so either come to the clubhouse, or I will be sleeping on that couch," Black said, pointing to my leather sofa.

What could it hurt? I was pretty freaked out about someone watching me, and I could just ignore him for the most part. It was only one night. "Fine, but don't try anything because it's not happening, capeesh?"

"Nothing will happen that you don't want to happen." Black gave me a cocky wink and smile.

Kickstand came back in. "You do have a security system on the property. Do you know the passwords?"

"No, I'm sorry, I don't. I can look for them; my father probably has them written down somewhere," I said.

"No worries, I have the name of the security company. I will get in; no passwords are needed. Once I get back to the clubhouse, I will see what I can find," Kickstand said.

"Let me know if you find something. I am going to sleep on Ann's couch in case whoever is watching her comes back," Black said.

Kickstand stiffened for a second. "Oh really, you okay with this, Ann?"

"It's fine. I already set boundaries," I said.

"Okay, then I will let you know what I find." Kickstand turned, walking out the door, leaving Black and me alone.


"I'LL GETyou a blanket and a pillow," Ann said, heading into her bedroom.

I wasn't thrilled about sleeping on the couch, but if it got me closer to Ann, I would do it, and I was worried about whoever left that note on her door. I had never seen Ann vulnerable, and tonight I did. It made her seem more approachable, along with seeing her paintings. It let me know another side of Ann I didn't know existed; adding that to her already sassy personality and intelligent mind, I was beginning to see Ann had layers I wanted to pull apart.

She came out and put a blanket and pillow on the couch, "I only have the one bathroom off of my bedroom, so if you have to use it, remember the word 'boundaries' and try not to wake me up," Ann said, clearly uncomfortable with me here.

"I'll try to remember and not crawl into your bed thinking it's mine," I said, just to rile her.

"Funny, but try, and you just may get a knee to the nuts. I'm going to bed. Help yourself to anything in the fridge, and feel free to watch TV. I will see you in the morning." Ann grabbed a water and went into her room, shutting the door.

Well, what to do now?

I decided to act like I was in my own room. I shed my clothes down to my black briefs, grabbed some snacks and a drink, flipped the TV on, and lay on the couch till I fell asleep.

Waking up, someone was watching me. I could feel it. I opened my eyes to a slit and saw that my little general was standing there ogling the goods since the blanket had fallen off during the night. I didn't let on I was awake and allowed her to give me a good look. But, the longer she stared, the longer my cock grew under her watch, causing her to gasp and move away back to her room.

Chuckling, I sat up, rubbing my hands over my face and willing my cock to behave. I needed the bathroom, so I needed to walk through her bedroom. I knocked, but no answer; easing the door open, I heard the shower. Should I wait?


I walked into her bedroom, being a little nosey, looking around for a minute, and then quietly opened the door to the bathroom. Ann's shower had a curtain; damn, I couldn't see anything. I went over to the toilet so I could do my business. While I was standing there, the shower shut off, and Ann drew the curtain back. I looked at her over my shoulder.

Mhairi O'Reilly's Novels