Page 8 of Black

Pressing her hand to her throat, she thought for a minute. "No, I date but not seriously, and I can't think of any reason someone would be mad at me."

"Could be a stalker, someone fixated on you," Kickstand said.

"That's a good possibility; you're a beautiful woman. So let us follow you back and check out your place and walk the neighborhood," I said, noticing Ann had a pink blush from what I said.

"I would appreciate that. You know where I live." Ann surprised me with how easily she accepted my coming. Of course, I did know where she lived from following her and Mary.

"Let us grab our bikes, and we will be right behind you," I said as we headed out of the clubhouse.



DRIVING HOME, I could see the bikes following me in my rear-view mirror. As much as Black drove me crazy, I really did appreciate their willingness to help me out. After all, I'm not the most liked person when it comes to The Devil's House MC. And I was freaked out that someone could be watching me, and even though I had my opinions about the club, I also knew they could help me and keep me safe. Safer than the police, who would probably do nothing.

A gift horse I do not kick!

Parking in my driveway once again, I waited for the guys to pull in. I have to say there is something so very sexy about a man on a motorcycle. The way he straddles the seat in those tight pants and his body flows with the bike, gripping all that power. Secretly it makes me hot, a secret I hold close, never daring to say aloud.

And watching Black get off his Harley, which was as black as his name, I had to push my thighs together tight; that man just does something to me.

"Kickstand, you walk the neighborhood; I will check out her apartment," Black ordered, taking charge.

"Will do," Kickstand said, and for the first time, I noticed each had a gun ready if needed. It should scare me, but it doesn't.

"Let me go in first. You follow behind me. Give me the key," Black said. I dug the key out, handed it to him, and followed him up the stairs to my apartment.

I followed behind Black's stocky, muscular frame hiding me from any danger should it appear. I was a small woman, but Black made me feel even smaller.

He unlocked my door and started in, reaching to flip the light switch by the door. Light flooded the apartment. Since it was a compact apartment, you could see that it was clear and no one was in there, Black headed to my bedroom, and I hung back, letting him make sure it was clear.

"It's all clear. Does it look like anything has been bothered," Black asked, coming out of the bedroom and looking around my apartment? Then, walking over to the my the corner of the room where my easel and paints were.

"No, nothing looks bothered that I can see," I said, watching him look at the paintings I had sitting against the wall.

"You paint Ann?" He asked, surprised.

"Yeah, it's a hobby of mine," I told him. I liked to paint more than anything, but my father wanted me to go into finance and join his firm, and you didn't tell father no.

"It looks like more than a hobby; these are really good."

"Thank you. I paint mostly people. I will see someone interesting when I'm out, do a quick sketch, and then come home and paint them." Luckily, his portrait is in the back of my closet; that would be embarrassing.

"I sketch, but only paint the bikes I am building," He said.

"You sketch?"

"Yeah, I build custom bikes, so I usually sketch them before starting the build."

"I didn't know that. I just thought you worked for the club."

"I do. I do all my work in the garage behind the club, and my job is to keep all the club member's bikes in running order; in between, I build bikes and do whatever else Shadow needs to be done, like follow some ladies around town." Black chuckled, a big smile on his face, which I rarely receive, causing my stomach to flutter.

Kickstand came in the door. "I didn't see anything, and I walked clear around the neighborhood. Do you have any cameras installed on the property?"

"My parents have a security system. There might be a camera that faces the garage," I said, feeling stupid that I didn't know.

"I will go check, and if so, we will check the feeds from the camera. I will be right back," He said, hurrying back out the door.

Mhairi O'Reilly's Novels