Page 7 of Black

Finally, I spotted Kickstand sitting and talking with a guy with a patch who had a woman on his lap but next to the man with a patch was Black, a blond woman on his lap, her naked breasts on display.

Breath, Ann. He is no good for you. This proves it—a good reminder.

I would show him. I didn't give a shit. So I marched over, passing in front of him like he didn't exist.

"Ann?" I heard Black question, and I ignored him.

"Ann, I thought you went home," Kickstand said when I got in front of him. So, glad he was alone. He stood up, waiting on my answer.

I'm trying to calm my nerves, feeling Black's eyes on my back. "I need your help. Can you walk with me to the clubhouse, and I will explain."

"Sure, no problem, let's go," Kickstand said.

Before I could turn, Black grabbed my arm; apparently, he had gotten up to listen to what I said to Kickstand. "What's wrong, Ann?" The woman at his back was so close her breasts were smashed against him.

Jerking my arm away, I glared at him. "I came to talk to Kickstand, and he can help me. You seem to have your hands full right now. Anyway, I wouldn't dream of dragging you away; it looks like an easy night." I sneered. Walking briskly past him with Kickstand beside me.

Black was nothing but a player, and I didn't need that in my life. Asshole.


WHAT THEhell just happened?

I was sitting here watching the bonfire burn, nursing a beer I had since I came out, and thinking about Ann; even though I tried my darnedest not to, she kept pushing her way in, floating around in my head. Brooke came over and sat down on my lap, wanting to fuck, but I was just not into it for once. I was getting ready to push her up when I saw Ann.

She was marching past me like a tiny general.

Before my stunned brain could question why she was here, this was the last place I would expect Ann to be. I saw her stop in front of Kickstand, which had me out of my seat and listening to the conversation. Did she and he have something going? Then I heard her say she needed his help.

His help? Not mine, his!

And then she mouthed off at me when all I was trying to do was see what she needed.

"That one will be hard to handle. So you sleep with her and then dump her because she was spitting fire at you." Patch laughed.

"I don't know why...." My words died off, realizing Brooke was still at my back, and Ann saw her on my lap, pretty much naked. I took a few steps to distance myself from Brooke, taking the hint she sauntered away.

"Ding, ding, you got it." Patch chuckled.

I started walking toward the clubhouse; I wanted to know what was happening. Ann wouldn't have come back here unless she had to. Why I was chasing her, I didn't know. If she were even slightly interested, that wouldn't be the case now with what she saw.

I just need one and done to get her out of my system.

And Kickstand was getting on my nerves, 'Sure, no problem, Ann,' I mimicked in my head. Shit, Kickstand was one of the worst man-whores here, way worse than me. But his mousy looks fooled people. And Ann throwing in the potshot about me only doing easy again. The woman could be infuriating.

Why did it turn me on?

Found them talking inside by the bar. I walked up, not caring if she wanted me there or not. Kickstand said, "I'll follow you back and check out your apartment."

Why would he need to do that?

"What's going on? And don't give me that smart mouth of yours. You can tell me, or I will just follow you," I said, giving her a stern look.

Ann glared at me but told me, "Someone left this note on my door, and I could feel someone watching me, so I got scared and came back here," She said, handing me a piece of paper with a small poem written on it.

"Give me the paper. I don't want anyone else touching it; I may be able to pull prints off it," Kickstand said, taking the paper from me. That's why we didn't involve the police in our shit unless it was unavoidable. Our members had skills.

"Do you have any idea who could have left it? Possible spurned boyfriend or something?" I asked.

Mhairi O'Reilly's Novels