Page 6 of Black

Fuck! Why her, of all people, got my cock harder than I can ever remember. One night is all I need to get her out of my system, one and done, and then I can get back to normal.

The fire was being built, so I grabbed a seat next to Fuse and Patch. "You staying for the party, Fuse?" I asked.

"Nope, I need to make sure Shay gets some rest after playing all afternoon. She tends to forget she's carrying my baby, so I have to remind her," Fuse grumbled.

"I still can't picture you married with a kid on the way, yet here you are right the fuck in front of me," Patch chuckled.

"Oh, trust me, he is faithful to boot. I can't imagine being tied down to one woman," I said, shuddering.

"Really, Fuse, none of the pussy around here temps you? I can see Shadow, shit even Viking, but you, my girls used to love getting a hold of you," Patch said, leaning forward in his chair to look Fuse in the face, his eye patch giving him a sinister look.

"What can I say? Shay does it for me, and no other woman compares to her. The club girls are just what you said pussy, and I got all I can handle from Shay. I love her and would never do anything to hurt her or our new family. My kid will have a great life with happy parents."

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not knocking you for staying true to Shay, just never expected the one-eighty you did, surprised me is all," Patch said.

"To be fair, Shay is one sexy woman, and Fuse got lucky," I said with a smirk.

Fuse stood up, glaring down at me. "Don't be thinking about Shay like that, Black, unless you want your ass kicked," Fuse snarled at me.

"Chill out, Fuse; I'm just messing with you. You can be such a baby."

"Whatever, Black, just steer clear. I haven't forgotten your interest in Shay," Fuse said over his shoulder as he walked away.

"See, that right there is why I'm still single; the club bitches are safe, no commitments." Patch laughed.

"I hear ya," I said, raising my beer in the air.

The fire was roaring, the music started pumping from the speakers, and the club girls and some hang-arounds started dancing and would soon be shedding some clothes. Yep, I would spend the evening getting shit-faced and forgetting about Ann Foster.



I WASpulling into my driveway, glad to be home. I was exhausted, Mary wanted me to spend the night, but I needed to get away from the clubhouse. I decided to move into the garage apartment in the last month, needing some distance from my parents, who never seemed to stop trying to control my life.

Shutting the car off, I got out and grabbed my bag from the trunk. I felt a tingling up my back like I was being watched. Slowly turning around and looking up and down the neighborhood, not seeing anything out of the ordinary, I shook it off and started up the stairs to my apartment, only to stop suddenly seeing a piece of paper taped to my door.

What the hell?

Getting my phone out of pocket in case I needed to call for help, I looked behind me; seeing no one, I grabbed the note from the door. It read:

The Roses are red.

The Violet are blue.

My eyes know you.

Do you know who?

My heart started to pound. What could this mean? And is someone watching me right now? I ran back down the steps and got in my car, driving away from my apartment. I found myself driving back to the clubhouse. I knew it was safe there. I wasn't about to go into my apartment alone.

I pulled up to the gate, one of the guys coming out to see who it was before opening it. "Oh hey Ann, go on up," Johnny said, opening the gate. They had gotten used to seeing me this past week.

Parking toward the side of the building, not to draw attention, I could see there was a party going on, and I just wanted to get inside. Going up to the door, I realized I couldn't get in without a code. Crap! Jay and Mary left for the night and would be back in the morning, and I know Viking and Summer also left to go to the nightclub. Unfortunately, I didn't have anyone else's phone number.

I would have to go into that disgusting party and find Kickstand. God only knew what I would see. So looking skyward, breathing in and out, I psyched myself up to face what I knew I would see and only hoped Kickstand was not in a compromising position, knowing that Black would be, and I would have to be strong not to show any emotions.

Squaring my shoulders, I headed toward the bonfire, skirting around it, hoping I didn't have to go completely in. I could see women dancing naked with some of the men, other scantily clothed or naked women sitting on the men's laps, outright having sex, or they were on their knees giving blow jobs. God, how could Mary and Summer be okay with this? It made me sick to my stomach.

Mhairi O'Reilly's Novels