Page 5 of Black

I learned a long time ago never to let a man get the better of you. Black didn't know who he was playing with when it came to me.

"You okay, Ann? You seem troubled," Mary asked, breaking into my thoughts.

"I'm fine, just thinking about how the wedding went smoothly. Where did Jay go?"

"He went inside for a minute with dad. Are you sure you're okay? You don't seem to be enjoying yourself?"

Looking around, the reception was still going strong; the band was still playing, and members of the club were having a good time. My eyes landed on Black, looking like he didn't have a care in the world, and here I'm sitting like a lump on a log. "I'm having a good time. I think the day is just catching up to me."

"I really do appreciate everything you've done, you're a great friend, and I'm lucky to have you."

I got up, leaning down to hug Mary. "No, I'm the lucky one."

"That you are," Jay said, his tone snarky, coming up behind us as I stood up. Jay was never one to pass up a pot shot at me. But, since today was Mary's day, I would let it go.

"I need to use the restroom. I will see you before I leave," I told Mary as I turned, walking toward the clubhouse. I think I will go back to my room to the bathroom there; I didn't want to roam around the club looking for another.

I heard footsteps in the hall behind me but didn't turn around. Suddenly, I found myself pushed up against the door by a hard body and looked into those gold eyes that sparkled with mischief, a smile dancing on his full lips.

"What the hell Black," I hissed at him, even as my breath caught at being so close to him.

"I was walking back to my room when I saw the cutest ass swaying down the hall in front of me and thought I need to tame that ass likethe real manthat I am," Black said, lowering his head to the naked skin on my shoulder, his mustache and beard rough against my flesh as he nipped it with his teeth causing an intake of breath.

"I know you're only playing with me, Black, and it won't work. I'm not falling for this," I said, pushing him back, the leather of his cut cool beneath my hands.

"Ah, come on, Ann, why can't we just have some fun together? I know you're attracted to me," Black said as he pushed his lower body into mine so I could feel his erection pressing against the zipper in his jeans. His gold eyes flashed with desire as they stared into mine.

Shit, this is harder than I thought. Resisting him should be easy. But, the wetness between my legs was telling a different story. No matter what I tried to tell myself, I wanted this man. Taking my silence for acceptance, he leaned down, taking my mouth in his. I sighed, causing him to push his tongue inside to play with mine.

My hands went up around his neck, my fingers going into his hair, pulling him closer as he started grinding his erection against my stomach, causing me to moan and his hands to reach around, cupping my ass and pulling me even closer to the bulge in his jeans.

The door opening across the hall caused me to pull back.

"What the fuck? Is that room magic or some shit?" Stonewall smirked, taking in the scene in front of him.

I took the distraction as my chance to escape the almost big mistake I was about to make. I reached behind me, opened my door, and slipped inside before Black could stop me. Leaning back against it, my hand over my chest, trying to calm my heartbeat and cool the raging desire I was still feeling from the encounter.


"WAY TOcock-block, Stonewall," I snapped. I almost had her, and boy did I want Ann. She had me hot all over.

"Not my fucking fault you idiots can't get your women into bed and have to try and get lucky in the hallway, outside my door, I might add, learn some skills or some shit but don't put this at my doorstep, and fucking hell, Ann of all people, I never thought I'd see the day," Stonewall said, shaking his head in disbelief.

"Is it so far-fetched that Ann would be into me?"

"Yeah, it is," He lowered his voice, "Ann has been nothing but a bitch as long as I've known her, and I know she has no love for the club. Her daddy will lock her up if he even thinks she is thinking of dating a biker."

"Ann is an adult; I'm sure she doesn't do her daddy's bidding anymore," I said.

"Don't say I didn't warn you," Stonewall said, starting down the hall and forcing me to follow.

"It's fine, and it's not like I'm looking to marry her or anything, just looking for a good time with a hot chick." I wiggled my eyebrows, smiling, knowing somehow I was full of shit, and it was more.

"Plenty of available chicks around. I would leave Ann alone; why fuck with her and cause problems."

"I hear you, and you may be right. Did you see Runner is the new drummer in Shay's band? You know he could beat the drums? I sure didn't," I said, changing the subject to something safer as Stonewall and I made our way back outside where the reception was getting ready to wrap up, the non-member guests would leave, and a bonfire would be built, and the real party would begin.

Maybe that's what I needed tonight. To get roaring drunk and forget how good Ann felt against me, those small hands of hers in my hair, the way her tongue played with mine, that curvy ass underneath my hands.

Mhairi O'Reilly's Novels