Page 17 of Black

As I walked into my office, my mind was on one man, Black. I had never felt that way during sex before, and I was in no way a virgin. But, being with Black made me realize just how different sex could be when there was chemistry and animal attraction. I had never been so uninhibited in bed before.

And it scared me.

Because I wanted more, much more, and I knew Black was a player. He seemed to want more too, but with most men, he would tire of the same old and move on, and by allowing him to be close to me, I have opened myself up to being hurt.

But at the same time, I wanted to continue and see where it would go, despite the chance of being hurt.

“Morning Ann, just a reminder of the associate lunch on Friday,” My assistant Tamara said, interrupting my musings.

I had forgotten about that. “Thanks for the reminder, It had slipped my mind.”

“That’s what you employ me for,” Tamara replied, giving me a big smile as she returned to her desk. She had been with me for the last two years, and I couldn’t function without her.

I fired up my computer, grabbed my files, and started to work. Only to be interrupted by Jacob. “Ann, I need to talk to you,” he said, a look of concern on his face as he came in and sat down. Jacob was handsome, blond good looks, mid-thirties, and he worked out, keeping his body fit. But he just did nothing for me.

Leaning back in my chair, “Sure, what do you want to talk to me about?”

“Your father asked me to keep an eye on things while he was gone. The last two nights I have driven by your house, I noticed a motorcycle parked in your driveway. Is everything okay?” He faked a concerned face. He wanted to know if I was sleeping with a biker.

Giving him a secretive smile, “Oh, everything is fine, nothing to worry about,” I said, watching his mind work it out.

Jacob clenched his hands, giving me a tight smile. “Your father wouldn’t be happy to know you were lowering yourself letting that trash in your bed, and maybe someone should tell him.” Jacob threatened.

My father would not be pleased, but I didn’t care for once. “Who I do or do not sleep with is none of your concern, nor is it my fathers. So, if you feel the need to run to him, then so be it. It makes no difference to me. Now, I have work to do,” I snapped, looking at my computer and dismissing him.

“Fine, don’t come crawling to me when the biker riff-raff uses you and then moves on, leaving your reputation in tatters,” Jacob snarled, slamming the door to my office as he left.

I stuck my head in my hands, and Jacob brought my worst fears to words. Not that Black was riff-raff but that he would move on when the excitement wore off. Shaking myself, I got back to work, anything to take my mind off all the insecurities that swirled in my head.


AFTER GETTINGa shower and breakfast, I got to work for the day. I had four of the member's bikes that needed to be worked on, plus I was in the middle of a custom build that would look spectacular when finished.

I turned up the music AC/DC blaring out of the speakers as I worked on one of the bikes. Runner’s bike was long overdue for maintenance; brother had put some miles on it during the last run, even after being shot and his recovery time. Runner’s been different since he got back from Florida, more serious, lost in his head. What we do is dangerous at times, and I try to remember that, especially since I'm on the next run.

And that makes me realize I need to get back home to West Virginia and see my Momma, she still has my sixteen-year-old sister Clara at home, and I know my older sister Bethany checks on her, but I still worry. Momma didn’t have an easy life, and my dick of a father didn’t make it any better. My daddy was a drunk and an abusive asshole. He got drunk one night five years ago and passed out in his car on the train tracks. The train hit him, killing him instantly, ending years of abuse at his hands.

Good riddance.

I wonder if Ann would like to ride to West Virginia with me to check on my Momma?

Whoa, Where the hell did that thought come from?

Ann was a fun time. So why was I making it more? Maybe because it felt like more. It’s incredible how I couldn’t stand her not even a week ago, but now I crave being with her, and I’m looking for ways to spend more time with her.

Ann is smart, sexy, beautiful, and one hot fuck.

And totally out of my league.

I was startled from my thoughts when the music shut off, causing me to jerk my head up from the bike I was working on.“Boo,” Shadow said with a smirk.

“What’s going on?” I asked, getting off my spot on the cement, stretching the kinks out of my body. I needed to hit the gym.

“Kickstand told me Ann got another note. I don’t have a good feeling about this, one note I could off as a prank, two that’s someone watching Ann. She can be a bitch, but I won’t have her messed with.”

“Johnny is watching her today; I think maybe he and Chris can switch off days. I stayed there the last two nights, nothing. But now that Kickstand has the camera working, maybe we’ll get a break.”

Shadow cocked his head, his eyes watchful, “You staying there again tonight?”

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