Page 18 of Black

“Yeah, I figure she shouldn’t be left alone.”

“You already went there, didn’t you? I can see it in your face,” Shadow said, glowering at me.

“Why does it matter if I did or not?”

Giving me a look like I was daff. “Because Ann comes from a different world and you’re a player, the fact that she let you in means she must like you, and when you lose interest and move on, who do you think she is going to cry to, huh? And who do you think is going to have to listen? This will upset my old lady.” Shadow griped at me.

Of course, Mary being her best friend and Shadow’s old lady and wife this could indeed be messier than I would like, but did it have to be?

“Who says I’m playing Ann? Or that I will move on?”

Rolling his eyes at me, shaking his head. “Okay, Black, we’ll see what’s done is done. Keep my up to date on any new developments.”

I just realized I don’t have Ann’s phone number, and I wanted to suggest pizza for dinner. “Hey, do you have Ann’s number?”

“You slept with her and didn’t have her number?” Shadow asked in disbelief, pulling out his phone.

It was kind of stupid. “It just never came up,” I replied.

“I sent her number to you, don’t be careless like that again. You should have her fucking phone number if you're watching Ann, and she should have yours,” Shadow snapped.

“Point taken,” I said, knowing he was right. Then, watching him walk out of the garage. The man was twenty-five years old but acted fifty. But that’s why Shadow is our Prez.

Wasting no time, I put Ann’s number in my phone and shot off a text message. Hearing back a minute later: Pizza sounds great, no sausage, though. I leave here at five, be settled in by six.

I felt a smile tug at my lips at seeing her this evening. That smile stayed on my face for the rest of the day.



I’M GLADtoday is over, I thought as I walked out of my office. I was tired and worried about the possibility of someone watching me. I feel secure knowing Black will be with me tonight and the man called Johnny who watched over me today. Even though he was probably bored out of his head.

“Wait a sec Ann,” Tamara said, stopping me. “Here, this was dropped off for you at the front desk.” Handing me an envelope.

I felt my stomach fall as I took the envelope from her. “Thanks, Tamara. Have a good evening.”

I left the building, walking hurriedly to my car, spotting Johnny on his bike not far away. That made me feel better. I knew another note was in the envelope and decided to wait till I was with Black to open it. I just wanted to get home where I would feel safe. This whole situation was so confusing to me.

Why me?

I thought about going to the police, but they wouldn’t do much. I had no proof I was in any real danger, only the stupid notes that kept popping up. No, I was much safer with the club protecting me.

And I’m starting to feel like I misjudged them.

As I pulled into my driveway, Johnny went on past. I am assuming back to the clubhouse since I see Black’s motorcycle in the driveway. I hurried up to my apartment, a paranoid feeling of being watched following me. But then, I realized Black was already in the apartment.

How did he get in?

Stepping inside, Black sat on my couch, his feet on my coffee table. “How did you get in?”

“I warned you locks couldn’t keep me out, and the one on your door is getting replaced. A child could pick that lock,” Black complained as he got up, greeting me with a kiss, which felt oddly pleasant and very domestic.

“I think there is another note,” I blurted out.

“Where is it, what did it say, and who left it?” Black threw the questions out.

I took the envelope out of my purse. “Here, I didn’t open it. I may be wrong, but I'm sure it’s another note, and I don’t know who left it. Whoever it was left it at the front desk of my office building.”

Mhairi O'Reilly's Novels