Page 24 of Black

Guess he’s pissed about last night.

I wasn’t in the mood for the lecture I knew was coming. So, I sent a text to Johnny, who responded that he was outside her apartment and she was home. Good, I was going to try and talk to her. I don’t know if she will even let me inside, but I’m going to try anyway. I went to get my bike out of the garage.

I don’t want to lose Ann. Crazy, considering how we started. But, I’ve become very fond of everything contained in the little package that is Ann Foster.


I SPENTthe morning working on my painting, and it helped me keep my mind off of Black. The mood I was in actually enabled me to work through the block I was having with getting what I wanted to see in the man’s expression. As I stood back and viewed the painting, I was satisfied with the result. So, I picked up my paintbrushes taking them to the sink to rinse out. A knock on the door startled me, causing me to splash water all over.

Who could that be?

Drying my hands, I walked cautiously toward the door, peaking through the peephole. Then, seeing the last person on this earth I wanted near me standing outside my door.

“Ann, I know you’re on the other side of the door. Open up,” Black said. Knocking again.

“I will give that request all the consideration it deserves.” Then, pretending to think for a few seconds. “The answer is no, now get lost,” I snapped, keeping my voice cold as I walked away from the door. No way was I letting him in my home after last night.

I went back over to the sink to clean up the splashed water. Again, forcing myself to ignore the asshole at my door. Black has such nerve coming here after what he did. “You have to talk to me sometime.” I heard behind me, causing me to let out a scream.

Clutching my heart, I turned around to see Black standing there. “Get the hell out of my apartment, Black,” I snarled at him, pointing my finger to the door.

Black stood there, his feet not budging. “I’m sorry, Ann, I got jealous, and it messed with my head. I want to work this out,” Black pleaded, his eyes begging me to listen.

Fat chance!

“You made your choice when you chose to believe what you did and then spend your evening with another woman.” I tried to be strong here and not let him see how being near him still affected me.

“It wasn’t like that, Ann. Sure, I went to the party and even thought about screwing around, but I couldn’t do it. I only wanted you.” Then, black started to touch me, and I backed away.

“Thoughts turned into actions from what I saw, and actions have consequences. What I saw was a blond woman taking your dick out, and you let it happen. So, no, you don’t only want me. Men love to feed that crock of shit to a woman when they get caught. I want you to leave Black.” I kept my voice firm and my eyes hard.

Black moved before I could blink, pinning me against the counter. “I fucked up, and I own that shit. But, what I said is true, I only want you, and we aren’t finished not by a long shot,” Black said into my ear, pushing against me, causing my breath to hitch. “I leave for a run this Tuesday to South Carolina and will be gone two weeks. I will give you that time to accept I’m not going anywhere, so be ready and waiting in your bed because I will be joining you.” Black grabbed my face kissing me hard before releasing me and waltzing out the door.

What the hell just happened?

Black thinks I will forget because he says so; we’ll see about that.


SILVER WASright. Ann only believes what she thought she saw. I know it looked bad, and if I could go back in time, I would. But, could have, should have, and would have aren’t going to work; what’s done is done.

Why didn’t I just talk to her first? I’m a dumbass.

Straddling my bike, I looked up at Ann’s apartment one last time before pulling out, giving a wave to Johnny, who was sitting in the truck across the street. I wanted nothing more than to go back and force Ann to listen and forgive me. But, I knew that wasn’t the way with Ann. I needed to give her some time before approaching her again. I hated going on this run with things not settled between us.

I took the long way back to the clubhouse, enjoying the warmer day. It wouldn’t be long until the cold stopped me from riding. I pulled my bike into the garage bay, deciding to work on the bike I was building. Lost in my thoughts, I didn’t hear Shadow come in. The man snuck up on you like that; that’s how he earned his road name.

“How could you fuck it up after only one week?” Shadow asked.

“I thought Ann was stepping out with some guy at work, and I should have talked to her before assuming she was,” I grumbled, still disgusted with myself.

“Yeah, you should have instead of getting drunk off your ass and hitting up one of the girls. And then making an ass out of yourself putting hands on her, you’re lucky you didn’t get your ass kicked.”

“I would never hurt her even drunk, and if I remember correctly, she slapped me hard, so I think Ann can handle herself.” I laughed inside my head at how she whacked me a good one; I liked her spunk.

Shadow chuckled, “That she did, and you deserved it. But like I warned you, now I have to deal with listening to Mary worry over Ann, with someone watching her, and now you and the shit you did. I don’t know what you plan to do, but I need your head in the game for the run next week. We can’t make mistakes.”

“Don’t worry, pres, I got this. I already went to see Ann, and I’m giving her till I get back to accept I’m not going anywhere, and she needs to forgive me,” I said, hoping that when I got back, she would have time to think about it and let me back in.

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