Page 25 of Black

Shadow cocked his head, his brows knitting together. “You ordered Ann to do something, and you think that will work? Didn’t you get to know her at all? Even I know she will balk at a man trying to run over her.”

“I don’t know, man; I just didn’t know what else to do. Ann refused to believe I wasn’t going to mess around with Brooke,” I said, ashamed at what Ann saw once again.

“What part of Brooke naked did Ann misunderstand she was between your legs taking your small dick out?” Shadow smirked at me.

“I was drunk and not thinking straight, and I was getting ready to push her away when Ann walked up,” I said, annoyed that what he said was true and Ann would never believe the truth.

“See, that’s why I don’t get drunk; too easy to make bad decisions. I got things to do; I just wanted to make sure you were okay for the run, that your head was in a good place,” Shadow said, striding out the door as quietly as when he came.

I continued working into the evening. I wouldn’t have even eaten if Jane hadn’t brought me food out. I heard the party starting outside and continued working. After last night I wanted no part of it. Finally, when I got too tired to work, I headed to bed to sleep.

Shit, It was going to be the longest two weeks of my life.



IT HASbeen a week since I’ve seen Black. I assume he is in South Carolina. I have kept myself busy, so I wouldn’t have to think about the jerk. It still galled me that he was pissed thinking I was having lunch with another man but finding him with a chick between his legs, hands in his pants, and I’m supposed to be like,‘Oh Well, shit happens, it’s okay baby.’


Waving at Chris, the man on watch tonight. I got my mail and went inside. As I flipped through the mail. I saw it. Another white envelope was addressed to me but no return address. I knew it was another note. I hadn’t gotten anything in over a week, so I had relaxed a little bit. Opening the envelope, I unfolded the paper inside. It read:

The blood in our veins runs the same.

Your daddy is part of the game.

What has to be done is a shame.

But who is to blame?

What could this mean? My father is involved somehow. Could it be a relative? And if so, why? I sent Kickstand a text message along with a picture of the note, and he responded right away and said he would come over to get it and check on things. I hated being scared, which made me miss Black even more because I felt so safe with him here.

And what has to be done? That part of the note scared me the most.

Maybe I should call my father. He may have some idea who this could be leaving the notes. I made a mental note to call him after Kickstand left. I dreaded dealing with my father because I knew Jacob had called him already. After all, father had already tried calling several times, leaving the message that he had heard. I was hanging around bad people, and we needed to talk.

A knock at the door brought me back from my thoughts. I walked over to the door, using the peephole to make sure it was Kickstand, and then opened it.

“Thanks for coming, Kickstand. Can I ask what your real name is? I’m just curious; you have been so much help I feel funny not knowing,” I asked. I had been wondering, and it was driving me crazy.

Giving me a crooked smile. “It’s okay; it’s not a secret. My name is Seth Richards.”

“I like that name; it suits you.”

“Think so; I don’t get called Seth much anymore. I’m not sure I would answer it; it’s been so long. So, you got another note, and this one seems to imply a threat.” Kickstand changed the subject leading me to believe I touched on a memory he wanted to forget.

“I got the same impression, and I’m getting scared. First, I was worried and freaked out, but now I think someone wants to harm me, and it has something to do with my father.”

“I agree, and until we figure this out, I would feel better if you come back to the clubhouse to stay. It’s not safe here, even with one of the prospects keeping an eye out,” Kickstand said.

I know he’s right. And I know Black isn’t there, so there won’t be any uncomfortable situations with seeing him. And Mary is there, and I sure could use my friend. “Okay, I think that would be best too. Let me pack a bag and follow you back.”

“I’m just going to step outside and call ahead so Jane can get a room ready and give Shadow a heads up.”

I’m sure Jay will love that I’m coming to stay. If I get nothing out of this, it will be the joy of making Jay grit his teeth at my presence. Taking Mary’s attention from that possessive man will give me pleasure.

It’s the little things, right?

Mhairi O'Reilly's Novels