Page 26 of Black


“I’M SURPRISEDyou’re sitting inside tonight and not outside where the wilder party is,” Devil said, causing me to look up from the beer I had been staring at for the last hour. My thoughts wrapped up in Ann.

Shrugging a shoulder. “I’m not in the mood.”

“That so? You haven’t been in the mood since you’ve been here,” Devil smirked. The man got the road name Devil because he had the eyes of the Devil. They were red, freaky as shit; his blond hair and fair skin seemed to make them glow. Devil ran his clubhouse similar to Shadow, where the wild stuff stayed outside and behind closed doors; why no one knew since he didn’t have an old lady or even a girlfriend, had to be hitting forty.

“Got a lot on my mind and things I need to take care of when I get home,” I said.

“Here’s a couple more beers for you, handsome men. You know the real party is outside,” The heavily stacked, hardly dressed blond said as she leaned down, her breasts pushed into the back of my head. I moved forward to get away from her. What used to turn me on now turned me off.

“Back off, Tammy, If we wanted to be outside, that‘s where our asses would be. Now move along,” Devil snapped, giving Tammy a look that would even have me moving. And move she did right out the door.

“Who is this woman that has you in knots?” Devil asked.

“How do you know it’s a woman?”

“No single man I know turns down Tammy.”

“You just did,” I mocked.

“I'm a different story. Let’s talk about you.”

“I was seeing a woman, and I thought she was messing around with someone else, and I retaliated by getting drunk and letting one of the club girls start something; by the time I realized I couldn’t go through with it, my woman was standing there, and I found out I was wrong about the other man. So now she won’t talk to me.” I explained what I did, sounding worse every time I said it aloud.

Whistling low and leaning back in his chair, Devil chuckled. “Must like this woman a lot to get all hot-headed like that. Rule number one is never to get drunk when you are pissed about something. That shit never ends well. Were you in bed with the club bitch?”

“I know that now, and no, I wasn’t in bed with Brooke. It was a party, and she was getting ready to blow me, had my pants open before I stopped her, and that’s what Ann saw.” But, again, it sounds so fucking wrong when I hear myself say it.

“I take it this Ann isn’t the forgiving type?”

“That’s an understatement. Ann and I had a rocky start but still managed to fall for each other. Ann is smart, sassy, sexy, and beautiful. Everything I want in a woman, and I fucked it up,” I said, frustratedly bringing my fist down on the table.

Leaning forward in his chair, Devil gave me a severe stare, those red eyes glowing with something I couldn’t place. “Let me give you some advice, Black. If you find a woman who you even think completes you and is meant to be your other half, don’t ever let her walk away. Instead, find a way to make it work and do what you have to do to keep her. If you don’t, you will live to regret it,” Devil said, taking a long drink of his beer, slamming the bottle down before standing up, slapping me on the back, and walking away.

There’s a past waiting to come forward. Pushing up from the table, I headed to bed. Tomorrow would complete what needed doing here in Charleston, and If I could talk Poison and Wrath into it, I wanted to head back early.

They say the heart grows fonder with absence, and I hope that’s the case when I see Ann again.



STAYING HEREat the clubhouse is taking some getting used to, that’s for sure. I have been here three days. Shadow even gave me my own code so I could come and go when I wanted. The food was good, and having an on-site barnice! And so far, everyone has been friendly.

I’m sitting at a table with Mary, Shadow, Kickstand, and that hot biker that talked to us at the nightclub when Mary first came back to town. Vampire was his road name, and he gives off some dangerous vibes; his eyes pierce right through you. Guy gave me chills, and not in a good way.

I was surprised at how quiet the club was. In my mind, I saw a party every night, guys lying around drunk with women, only that wasn’t the case. Instead, the club members hung around, had drinks, and played pool and stuff, but it was tame. From what I had learned, all the members had some sort of job they did during the day for the club, so staying up all night partying was out of the question.

“When is Viking getting back?” Vampire asked Shadow.

“They are on their way back now. With Summer still in her cast, he wants to stop overnight, splitting the trip into two days,” Shadow answered. Mary was on his lap, where Shadow always put her. The dude had major control issues. He seemed to have the need to touch Mary like she might disappear or something constantly.

“Good, I have been splitting my time between The Scarlett and The Unlimited, and I have shit I need to take care of,” Vampire said, his eyes stormy.

Shadow narrowed his eyes. “Something going on I should know about?”

“Nope, this is personal.” Vampire didn’t elaborate and, by the look on his face, wasn’t going to. Shadow didn’t push either.

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