Page 27 of Black

The sound of the front door being opened and voices were drifting to where we were sitting put out attention on the entrance causing my heart to flutter seeing Black standing there with two other men. Our eyes met, his widening in surprise, I suppose, at seeing me here, quickly turning to something else when he glanced between me and Kickstand, who was sitting next to me. His face hardened, looking away from me.

Again, assuming the worst, being a hothead.

“Glad to see you made it back okay. Van and everything put away and taken care of?” Shadow asked with a specific meaning in his voice that only the members understood, judging by their expressions.

“Yeah, Shadow, it’s good. I’m tired, so I’m gonna go wash the road dust off me and hit the bed.” Black walked out of the room, the other two men agreeing and without even a backward glance causing my heart to fall.

Why do I even care?

“Hey Ann, Want to have lunch tomorrow?” Mary asked, noticing I needed a distraction. She was good for that. Never saying much but always observing.

“Sure, I’d like that. Meet you at my office at noon; we will get takeout and eat at the apartment, so I can check on things,” I answered, seeing Shadow stiffen. With someone watching me, he didn’t want Mary anywhere near me that he wasn’t. Mary whispered something in his ear that calmed him.

“Okay, I will see you tomorrow, Jay and I are going to head up to our room,” Mary said, so now I think I know what calmed him. Mary never talked about sex, she was always too shy, but I can tell those two had some hot shit going on behind closed doors.

“Sure thing, I’m ready to head up myself. See you tomorrow, Kickstand,” I said. He had been oddly quiet the whole evening.

“Be careful, don’t let your guard down. Johnny will be there, so let him know if you suspect anything,” Kickstand said.

“I will. Thanks for being such a good friend.”

Kickstand gave me a thoughtful look; his lips curled into a half-smile. “No problem, Ann, that’s what friends are for.”

I walked up the stairs, wondering which room belonged to Black. Knowing he was near made me have thoughts I didn’t want to have. Of course, Black pretty much dismissed me downstairs, so I shouldn’t even be giving him any head-space. Giving myself a shake, I walked down the hall to my room, forcing him from my mind.


I TALKEDPoison and Wrath into making the ride back early, thinking of Ann the whole time and what I would do to get her back. Then, exhausted from the ride, only to see her here at the clubhouse, I was surprised at first and happy to see her, but then I saw her sitting with Kickstand, that was why she was here, they must have gotten closer why I was gone.

As I showered, I thought about it, what if I jumped to the wrong conclusion and there was a different reason she was here. But, Ann did look affected by seeing me; I could see the change in her body as she looked at me. Thinking about Ann’s body was causing a change in mine, and she was only a few doors away. I’m sure she is in the same room as last time.

Fuck it! I’m going to talk to Ann.

Shutting the shower off, I dried off, throwing on shorts. I walked into the hall just as she was getting to her door. She looked up to see me coming toward her and went for the door handle.

Not fast enough.

I stopped her, turning her to face me. Pushing my body against hers so she couldn’t walk away. “Why are you here, Ann?” I asked, not being able to resist rubbing my face in her hair, smelling the sweet strawberry scent.

Tilting her head back to look up at me. “Why is that any of your business, Black.”

“Are you here with Kickstand? Have you moved on to a different pasture, forgetting this already?” I said as I shoved my erection into her stomach. My mouth went for her neck to taste her there.

She was using those tiny hands to try and shove me away. “You can be such an ass, Black. Why do you always assume shit instead of just asking a damn question?” Ann huffed, still pushing at me with her hands.

Bringing my face from her neck, I looked her in the eyes. “Are you saying I’m wrong?” I got the feeling I made an ass of myself again.

I heard a click and then. “You’ve got to be kidding me,” Stonewall said from across the hall. “That door you're holding onto opens; use it.” Slamming his door shut and striding down the hall.

Stonewall was right. I reached behind Ann opening the door and shoving us through, pushing the door shut. “Answer me, Ann. Am I wrong?” I asked as I kept her body against mine.

“I don’t owe you any explanation. Why should I bother? You seem to have all the answers.” Ann hissed at me, jerking away.

I jerked her right back. “I think I may have jumped to conclusions again by how you're acting. Why did you come here when you were so dead set against it before? Does it have something to do with who is watching you?”

I saw by the look on her face I had hit the nail on the head. I am so fucking stupid. I let jealousy blind me again, causing me to lash out. I needed to know what happened to make her come here.

“I see you realize you’re an idiot. At least you didn’t run and grab another woman this time, but the night is still young,” Ann smirked, arching one of those pretty brows.

Mhairi O'Reilly's Novels