Page 29 of Black

I looked over at Mary, and she was scared, but I saw something else on her face. I looked back at the man just standing there staring at me. “Who are you? And what is your problem with me?” I snapped. Scowling at him.

I didn’t even see it coming; he slapped me so hard I wondered how I was still standing. Mary cried, grabbing for me, but the second man threw an unconscious Johnny down and was in front of her giving her a hard slap that did knock Mary down.

“What do you want? I don’t even know you.” I looked at the man, who still said nothing.

Suddenly, I heard a shot, and Mary was off the floor, throwing the door open and running outside; I saw she had shot the man. Where did she get a gun? But he got right back up, holding onto his leg before I could make it to the door, which I’m sure was her plan, a distraction.

“Shit, grab her and let’s get the hell out of here. We only need her anyway; the other bitch was just a bonus.” The man in front of me instructed as the other man grabbed me. I wasn’t going without a fight. I started kicking and trying to bite the big asshole. But, It didn’t do any good; he easily had me outside and down the street, where I was thrown into a van.

“Move, NOW!” Bellowed the man who seemed to be in charge. I listened and heard the roar of motorcycles coming toward us. But not soon enough because the van took off and sped away. Throwing me against the van doors and hitting my head, I blacked out.


AT LUNCHTIME, I was starving and had to keep my energy up to have the kind of sex Ann and I had. Ann was uninhibited in bed. Oh, the things we could do. I was getting a boner just thinking about it. I forced the thoughts down; I can’t be walking around like that.

Walking inside the clubhouse, I saw Viking and Summer were back. They were sitting at a table with Shadow and Doc. I went over, intending to ask Viking how his trip went, when Shadow’s phone went off. He answered immediately, his face going white. Shadow stood. “Send the text, everyone, to Ann’s apartment,” he whispered, already on his way out the door, the phone still in his ear.

Ann’s? Something was very wrong.

The brothers that were at the clubhouse were already going for their bikes, ready to ride. I ran out back, climbing on mine, and I was flying down the road to get to Ann’s. Shadow was already gone and out of sight. And I’m sure the brothers who worked close by would already be there. My heart was pumping with adrenaline, my mind filled with worry.

I was right, and several brothers were already at the apartment. Shadow was jumping off his bike right as I pulled in. I quickly followed, the door open. I looked around for Ann. Mary was on the couch, Shadow kneeling in front of her, Stonewall beside her. King and Moreno were down on the floor with Johnny, who was shot, judging by the blood.

Where was Ann?

I walked over to where Mary sat huddled on the couch; Shadow held her face looking at the darkening bruise. His face was stormy. “Are you sure you aren’t hurt anywhere, the baby?” Shadow said quietly, his hand going to her stomach, then pulling her close. I don’t know if Stonewall and I were supposed to hear that. But I needed to know where Ann was, and I didn’t care if Shadow got pissed. I’m interrupting.

“Where is Ann?” I asked impatiently.

Mary looked up at me, her eyes tearing up. “They took her, threw her in a van, and took off,” Mary said, her voice quivering.

“Shhh, it’s okay. We’ll find Ann, don’t worry, sit here while I talk to the men, and then I will get you home.” Shadow soothed her before standing up and motioning for Stonewall and me to follow him.

I followed Shadow over to where King, Fuse, and Moreno watched Doc, Viking and Soldier take care of Johnny. “How bad is it?” Shadow asked.

Sighing, Doc said, “I’m not sure. It’s a gutshot, and he’s lost a lot of blood. He was knocked unconscious by the looks of the knot on his head. We need to get him back to the clubhouse so I can get in there and see what the damage is. Summer can help me, even if it’s sitting on a stool and handing me what I need. We have stabilized him the best we can so we can move him.”

Shadow was barely contained right now, and I knew the feeling because I was ready to crawl out of my skin just standing here. I needed to find Ann; every second gone was a second I could use to find her.

“Get him back and take care of him. A few brothers went after the van, and I will get with them. Those motherfuckers are dead men walking! So let’s head back and regroup,” Shadow said in a deathly quiet voice.

Shadow walked over to Mary picking her up to carry her out. “I can walk, Jay. The man only hit me once and knocked me down. I’m fine,” Mary said, not realizing Shadow was already on the cliff of the dark violence he was capable of, and reminding him what happened to her did not help.

Shadow growled. “I will carry you, not another word about it, Kitten,” he said as he carried her out the door to take her back to the clubhouse. I hurried out, jumped on my bike, and tore out Ann’s driveway.

Even though I wanted to rush out and start looking, I knew it would waste precious time when I didn’t know all the facts. Shadow would call Church, and the information we had to this point would be given. I was losing my mind wondering what was happening to Ann. This was not the job of some stalker. These men had a purpose. And according to the last note, her dad was the key to the puzzle.



I CAMEtoo, slowly pulling myself to a sitting position. My head hurt, causing a wave of nausea. I took in my surroundings. I was in a basement, on a cot on the floor. The seriousness of my situation hit me full force—my stomach sinking.

“Welcome back, Sis.”

Startled, I looked toward the voice to see the same man who had taken me, standing and staring, not saying anything. The man looked like he was enjoying this, judging by the amused smile on his face. “Excuse me, I don’t even know you,” I said, my voice gritty from my throat being so dry.

“You can thank dear old dad for that. Names Tony, a brother from a different mother,” he chuckled at his own joke. Then, standing and leaning down in front of me.

Mhairi O'Reilly's Novels