Page 31 of Black

This was not good. Usually, we could always count on Kickstand to locate someone or have a trick up his sleeve. However, it had already been two hours causing my stomach to clench with anxiety and fear at what she was going through.

“Mary gave a description. She shot one of them but said he was still moving fine when they came out. Thank God, I made her strap that gun to her thigh and keep my name up on her phone, so she could just hit it and call. Mary thought it would give Ann enough time to run too. But it didn’t work out that way. Kickstand, run their description through the police database, and you may get a break,” Shadow said, clearly frustrated as well at the lack of information.

“In the meantime, we will just have to split up and look for the van since we have a description. Which can also be run through a database,” Fuse said.

I was tired of waiting. I had to get out of there and look for Ann; I was rising from my chair, ready to tell Shadow I was out of there. I didn’t give a shit if the meeting wasn’t over. That’s when we heard the alarm; it was the front gate. Chris, the prospect stationed there, must have set it off.

Guns out, we ran outside toward the gate, unsure what to expect. When we reached the gate, Chris was kneeling by a body. My heart tore in two because I knew who it was even before reaching the spot. I struggled for control as I caught sight of Ann, beaten so severely she was near unrecognizable. At that moment, I knew just how deeply I cared for Ann; as I kneeled beside her, I felt her pain as if it were my own and willed my body to absorb it so she didn’t have to feel the pain. I had never been one to cry, and if I did, I never had a memory of it. But right now, I felt tears mixed with anger as dark as my name.

I wasn’t one to get off on torture, but they would die slowly and painfully when I got my hands on who did this.

“Shit, Stonewall get up to Mary’s room, do not under any circumstance let her out of there. Distract her. She cannot see this,” Shadow said, kneeling beside Viking and me, taking in Ann’s injuries. Stonewall took off for the clubhouse.

“Who did this?” Vampire directed the question to the prospect.

“A white van sped in here, opened the side door, and threw her out. The fuckers didn’t even slow down,” Chris said, clearly shaken.

I tried to keep my shit as we looked Ann over. At least she was still fully clothed; I hoped that meant they didn’t rape her. “What do you think, Viking?” I knew he was the best to determine the severity next to Doc, who was still in with Johnny.

“Ann’s gonna be okay. Whoever did this knew what there were doing and didn’t hit her anywhere that would cause severe damage? No sign of sexual assault. She will feel the pain for a few weeks, but I think it’s safe to move her inside so Doc can take care of her. Of course, the fall out of the van didn’t help shit either,” Viking said.

My shoulders sagged with relief as we prepared to move Ann. As I carefully picked her up, a piece of paper floated down to the ground. Shadow grabbed the note reading it aloud.

It’s a shame we had to beat poor little Ann.

If only our dear dad were more of a family man.

I had a deal with the Fire Dragons Boss.

To The Devil’s House, a gift from Cross.

“That motherfucker! Black, let’s get Ann inside.” Shadow led the way as I carefully carried Ann, not wanting to jar her. She was starting to come too and was moaning with the pain. “I thought Ann didn’t have any siblings; I never knew of any growing up,” Shadow asked.

“She doesn’t,” Kickstand and I answered simultaneously.

Shadow opened the door, holding it so I could get Ann inside the room. Doc And Summer appeared to be making Johnny comfortable in one of the beds. I carried Ann to the one next to it, laying her there.”

Summer gasped, “Oh, no, Ann. Who would do this?” Summer hobbled to Ann’s bedside, Doc following her.

Doc and Summer went to work, checking her over, “We need to remove her clothes, so I’m sure Ann would appreciate privacy.” Doc gave a pointed look to everyone. Shadow and the others moving out the door. I stayed planted right where I was, with my feet not moving.

“I’ve seen all there is to see of Ann, so I’m staying,” I informed Doc. Ann let out a long moan of pain, gaining our attention. Doc and Summer made quick work of removing her clothes. Sadness tore at him as he took in all the bruises covering her body. Ann’s poor face was a mass of swollen flesh, her right eye was swollen shut, busted lip, and I could still see the soon-to-be-dead fuckers handprint marring her bruised cheek.

“What do you think, Doc? Viking said he thought there was no major damage,” I asked, my voice hopeful.

“I would agree, I need to do more tests to make sure, but it looks like they gave Ann one hell of a beating but avoided vulnerable areas. She is still looking at weeks of recovery, but she will mend,” Doc said, Summer, agreeing.

“So you don’t see any signs of sexual assault?”

“No, her clothes were firmly in place. I don’t see anything on her body to indicate they violated her.”

Thank God Ann wouldn’t heal mentally from that quickly. She moaned again. “Can’t you give her something for the pain?”

Summer looked at me. “We will once we get her tests done. Why don’t you step out a minute and let us take care of her? I know you care about Ann, and I promise you once we get her comfortable, I will come to get you.” her voice soft and understanding.

I nodded my head and left the room. I know Summer is right. I was only in the way, and I wanted Ann to be comfortable and pain-free. Viking and Vampire were still in the hall when I stepped out. “Where did Shadow go?” I asked.

“Went to break it to Mary that Ann was here and what condition. How’s Ann?” Viking replied.

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