Page 32 of Black

“Doc says she will be fine, weeks of recovery though. I can’t wait to get my hands on the assholes responsible; they will welcome death when I’m done,” I snarled, the anger building quickly with the vision of Ann and what they did to her.

“You’re in luck, Black; I know where they are,” Shadow said, coming into the hallway, Stonewall behind him.

“No shit?”

“Yeah, as luck would have it. Silver was returning from town when the van barreled onto the main highway. His gut said to follow, so he did. The men are holed up at a house on Main Street. I have the address. Silver said only three men are in the house, so we only need to take around five guys and a van. I don’t want to draw suspicion as we did on Ann’s Street,” Shadow said.

I didn’t want to leave Ann, but I wanted my hands on those men. I was torn. “You stay here, Black. We are bringing them back alive, and I promise you will be in on what I have planned for our new guests,” Shadow said, reading my expression.

“Okay, as long as I get my pound of flesh.”

“Oh, you can count on it, "Shadow said, squeezing my shoulder as he passed by. The others following. I watched them leave, leaning back against the wall to wait for Summer to come to get me. I needed to be near Ann, hear her speak. I don’t care if it’s to mouth off; I want to listen to her voice, look in her eyes. I need to know she’ll be okay.



I COULDhear the men's voices, and they surrounded me. My brain could not make out what was being said. I felt hands on my body and then being lifted by Black. I recognized his deep voice in my ear, telling me I would be alright. I wanted to tell him how bad I hurt, but it only came out as a moan. But one thought struck me.

I was alive.

I let myself focus on his voice instead of the pain, and then I was on a bed, and It was Summer who was talking to me and a man who was asking me questions that I couldn’t answer. Even trying to open my eyes was painful, so I chose not to. Instead, I wanted to hear Black’s voice again, that deep rumble that helped soothe my pain. Finally, I heard Summer say they were giving me something to ease the pain, and then my mind became quiet, and I slept.

“Ann, can you hear me?” It was Black, and I struggled to the surface, wanting to see him. I opened my eyes or tried to. Only one wanted to work. I tried to turn my head, but shit, it hurt. “Don't try and move, Ann,” Black said from above me. He had moved so I could see him without turning. “You’re going to be okay, and nobody will hurt you ever again, that I promise you,” Black said, his voice hard as he leaned down to kiss me.

Hurt me?

My mind grappled with what had happened. Still foggy. Then I remembered Tony and what he did and why. I had a brother.

Some brother.

“Ann, do you want us to call your parents?” I heard Mary’s soft voice ask.

“No, don’t call them,” my answer came out as a whisper, my throat dry. My father was the reason I was in this condition. At this moment, I wanted nothing to do with him.

A straw was put in my mouth. “Here, drink some water, but go slowly,” A male voice said that I didn’t recognize. And the pain was too great to turn to see who it was. But, thinking of my father caused me to think about work, silly, considering.

“Call work,” I said, the water helping, but my throat was still dry.

“I took care of it, Ann. They know you’ll be out for a few weeks,” Black said, worry etched all over his face as he stared down at me.

Black’s face was replaced by another, a man with black hair, piercing green eyes, and a concerned smile. “Hi, Ann, I’m Doc Kenny, and I have and will be taking care of you. What is your pain level right now from one to ten, ten being worst?” he asked. Doc had a soothing voice.

Was I at a hospital? I didn't feel like I was. I let my mind focus on my pain so I could answer the question. “Around eight,” I said, still very much in pain.

“Okay, I will give you something to help with that. You are looking at several weeks of healing time, but the good news is that no permanent damage was done, and you will heal without any lasting physical problems. I will be right back with something for the pain,” Doc said, squeezing my hand and walking away.

Mary leaned down, kissing my cheek. “I’m going to let you rest. I will be back later to check on you. Love you, Ann.”

I could feel Black beside me. “Am I at the hospital?” I asked him.

“No, you’re here at the clubhouse—the club has everything in case of an emergency. Doc is a bonified doctor, and now with Summer around, we even have a nurse. So, trust me, you will be taken care of by the best.” Black assured me.

“How did I get here?” I couldn’t remember.

“Those men that took you dropped you at the gate. And I vow to you they will pay for what they did,” Black growled.

“Tony said he was my brother.”

Mhairi O'Reilly's Novels