Page 34 of Black

In the face of what they just saw. One man begged. “I didn’t touch the bitches. I drove the van, that’s it. Tony is the one who beat the bitch.”

The other man, who I now assume is Tony by elimination, curses his friend. “You’re a fucking sell-out, you wanted to rape Ann, and I said no, fucking asshole coward.”

That got me ready to go for my turn, I started forward, but Shadow held up his hand to wait. Looking at the man willing to beg. “Tell you what, I'm a fair man. Tell me where Cross and his men are staying, and I will kill you fast, don’t tell me, and I will let Vampire have you,” Shadow said. Knowing Vampire had a reputation for torture.

Vampire stepped forward, heading to the table and looking at various knives. The man paled his eyes on Vampire, examining the blades. “Okay, don’t let the fucker near me. Cross and a few of the brothers have been staying in Pittsburgh downtown, but that’s all I know. We always met outside the city to discuss shit. Cross feared someone would out his location, and he is paranoid to the point of crazy.”

“What other plans does he have?” Viking asked.

“I don’t know. We were here just to try and pick off the women to use against you guys. I swear that’s all I know.”

“Shut the fuck up, Gino,” Tony spat.

Shadow backed up away from the men, giving a signal, and before anyone could blink, the man had a hole in his head. I looked to see who took the shot; Stonewall lowered his gun. Tony had a stunned look on his face knowing it was his turn. Shadow looked at me. “How do you want this to go down? It’s your choice.”

I was a fist man. I would beat him just like he beat my little Ann. “Let him down, and we’ll see what he’s made of,” I said. Knowing I would go into a black rage and kill him.

Fuse and King again walked over, letting Tony fall to the floor. He scrambled up and came at me. I took all the rage I felt at seeing Ann bloodied and beaten and made that my focus as my fist landed over and over on Tony. Pretty soon, the rage was all I saw, blood spurting from Tony’s face and the sound of breaking bones. I don’t know how long I went at him. My mind was black everything else had disappeared but my need for vengeance. Finally, I felt arms around me, causing me to struggle for freedom.

“He’s dead, Black, enough.” Viking’s voice sounded in my ear. I started coming back into my head. Viking had me in a hold, the others watching me, surprise on their faces. The mangled body of Tony in front of me. I stopped struggling, and Viking let go.

“Shit, man, that was impressive. Ever thought about fighting in the ring?” Fuse said, his face a mask of awe.

I was breathing heavily, sweat rolling down my back. At least I remembered to remove my cut because I had blood all over me. My knuckles were broken and bleeding. That’s how it always happened, I lost control, and my mind would go black until I was brought back to the present. Shadow walked over, handing me my cut. “Get out of here, Black, and get showered in the bathroom down here. Robes are hanging on the door; your clothes will be destroyed, so leave them, then take time to calm down a bit.” Leading me to the door.

I left the room. I would shower and then take a quick ride to calm my still raging blood. It took time for me to come down once I had an episode. Then, I needed to get back to Ann. I didn’t want her to wake up without me being there.



THIS LASTweek has been a blur. I have spent most of it in and out of sleep from the painkillers. Doc Kenny, who is one hot doctor, by the way, has stopped those, giving them to me only at night, and he said next week none at all. At first, the pain was excruciating; my whole body felt like someone had just stomped on it. Which, from what I understand, Tony pretty much did. I tried not to think about Tony and my father, and it was pretty easy considering someone was always by my bedside. Not to mention Johnny in the next bed. Between the two of us, the room was never empty.

But today, Doc said I could go home, but I’m not sure I want to go back there just yet, so Black talked me into moving into his room with him until I am completely healed. I have been able to walk around but only for short periods because of my broken ribs, so I still need help with things. And here at the clubhouse, I’ve got plenty of that. My face was still a mass of bruising, and my left eye was still partially closed.

The club. If you had told me a month ago, I would be dating one of these guys, let alone staying here. I would have said you’re nuts. But, here I am. And I feel safe here; after what happened, I’m scared to be alone. I wanted to go to the police, but Black assured me that things were handled and those men wouldn’t be able to hurt me again. I knew something went down because Black had his hands wrapped. Besides, going to the police would mean outing my father; I didn’t care about him, but I did care about my mother.

“Ready to go?” Black asked, helping me to stand.

We were going to my apartment so that I could get some things. “Yeah, I’m ready.” Trying not to show that I was in pain. But Black noticed, gently picking me up to carry me. “You don’t have to carry me; I’ll be fine.”

“I know I don’t have to. I want to, now settle and let me take care of you.”

I relaxed in his arms as we made our way through the clubhouse, answering questions here and there about how I was doing—a far cry from Mary’s wedding day when no one bothered to speak to me. Finally, black got me settled in his truck, and we were on our way. It felt like forever since I had been outside rather than just a week. It felt good to get out of that room. It seemed like no time until we were at the apartment.

Going inside, I was surprised it looked like nothing had happened here. Black reading my thoughts. “Club cleaned the place for you.”

“What the hell is going on, Ann?” A loud voice yelled from my door, startling me. I turned, coming face to face with my father, with Jacob by his side.

Before I could even get a reply out, my father continued. “I had to fly back early because Jacob called me concerned because you are hanging around scum and haven’t bothered to show up for work in a week, and by looking at you, I can see why. This man beat you, and do we need to call the police.”

I heard Black growl behind me, and I knew it was a matter of time before he unleashed on my father. “This man did no such thing. You are the reason I look like this,” I spat. Feeling my anger rise to the defense of Black.

“Ann, don’t try and defend him. Let us take care of it,” Jacob said in an annoying, condescending tone.

“You’re nothing but a bitch, running to her daddy,” Black snarled.

“Who do you think you are? " Jacob mocked, “You’re nothing but a low-life biker stepping out of your league.”

Mhairi O'Reilly's Novels