Page 35 of Black

I felt Black move and knew I needed to intervene before he got to Jacob. I put my hand on his chest, stopping him from moving forward. I gave my father a nasty look, pointing at him. “My brother did this to me. You are the reason I got the shit beat out of me,” I shouted at him.

My father’s face turned to one of shock. “You don’t have a brother. So what kind of information has that outlaw club been feeding you?”

“The club didn’t tell me shit. Your son told me all about his poor mother who you threw aside and told to get an abortion while you married my mother, and then he beat the living crap out of me, you know, because we’re family.”

That got my father’s attention. But I saw the mask fall back in place and knew what was coming.


I KNEWit was Ann’s dad as soon as I saw him. They resembled each other, and you couldn’t mistake it. Her dad was tall and slightly overweight, his face a mask of arrogance. Not to mention the pussy standing behind him. The only thing keeping me from beating the shit out of him was Ann. I watched his face when she told him her brother beat her. I could tell right away the fucker only cared about himself and how this might affect him.

“That’s a lie. And I won’t stand for it, and you better never repeat it. I don’t know what kind of false information you’ve been given and what you’ve gotten yourself into, but it stops now. I forbid you to have any part of those biker thugs. I want this one gone from my property immediately.” her father pointed at me.

Ann kept her hand on my chest, indicating to let her handle it. “It’s not a lie, and you know it. But I won’t be repeating it. Mother would be hurt by it. And Black won’t be going anywhere since he is my boyfriend, and I love him.”

Ann loves me. It was a shock to hear her say it, even though I knew we were both feeling it.

“What the hell did you say? There is no way I will ever allow that trash into this family, so you choose, your family or that.” her father fumed, pointing his fat finger at me.

He kept talking shit, and Ann wasn’t going to be able to stop me. This snooty motherfucker was gonna feel my fist.

“I choose Black,” Ann said, surprising everyone in the room, including me. Giving up your family that’s a lot to ask.

Her dad’s face turned red, and he was livid. “You choose to become a whore to a biker gang over your family?”

I heard Ann gasp in outrage at what he said. I pushed forward, and he was gonna feel my fist. That was the last straw with this self-important asshole. “Black, stop. It’s not worth it. Let it go; he is just trying to hurt me.” Ann pleaded.

I pointed my finger at her dad. “You ever call Ann a whore again, and they won’t find your body, that I promise you,” I snarled, my face red with rage.

Her father looked visibly shaken at what I said. But he still continued. “If you choose this biker, then I want you off this property, and you won’t be welcome, including your position at the firm.”

I had to give it to Ann. She never wavered and stood tall through this whole confrontation with her dad, never showing weakness; I know her body was still in pain. Even now, she stiffened that tiny spine of hers and looked her daddy right in the eye. “Fine, I will be gone within the hour.”

“Ann, you’re not thinking this through, be reasonable.” The pussy behind her dad gave his opinion.

“I said I would be gone off the property in an hour. So, please leave so I can remove myself from this place,” Ann said, still standing tall, her voice a finality to it.

“Fine, you’ve made your decision. I will also give you one hour to change your mind. I will be inside the house if you come to your senses.” With that, her father turned, stalking out the door with his ass kisser behind him.

Ann deflated in front of my eyes, her shoulders drooping. I took her in my arms. “It’s okay, Ann. I will help you through this. We will figure this out,” I told her. I felt her body start to shake.

Shit, was Ann crying?

I steered us toward the couch, sitting and bringing her onto my lap. I took her face in my hand, using my thumb to wipe her tears away. “I know this is hard, and if it makes you feel better, you have the club behind you along with me. We’ll all help you, whatever you need.”

Sniffling, she laid her head on my chest. “I’m sorry, I have a rule never to cry in front of anyone. But, with everything that has happened, I couldn’t stop it.”

“That’s a dumb rule. If you wanna cry, then cry, don’t hold it in. Now come on, let's get what you want to take and get out of here.”

“I just need my clothes and painting stuff, and everything else can stay.” So we packed up all her clothes which she had a shit ton of and then started on her painting supplies, which she had a shit ton of also. Since Ann couldn’t carry anything or bend over, I got my exercise for the day. But we managed to get it into the back of my truck. I saw Ann hiding acting sketchy with one of her paintings like she didn’t want me to see it.

Was it some naked dude or something?

I reached out and jerked it out of her hands, and turned it around. My eyebrows shot up in surprise. Little Miss Ann was full of surprises.

“Black, that was a dirty move,” Ann grumbled, her arms crossed, giving me the evil eye.

It wasn’t a naked man, but damn close. “I will say, Ann, you captured my supreme sexiness to a tee. When did you paint this?” Ann had painted me with no shirt or shoes, just jeans with the button undone as I leaned against my bike.

Mhairi O'Reilly's Novels