Page 20 of Survivor


Damn it, I almost ruined everything yesterday. I can’t keep comparing Ollie tohimnot sure whybecause they’re nothing alike. Not to mention one is breathing free while the other, not so much. Sitting in my kitchen drinking a cup of coffee, I try to figure out my day. Well, since I arranged for the clinic coverage, I’m free. Joe is already here; I saw him when I first got up and looked around. Doesn’t look too out of order either. Damn, Natalie and Charlie, I owe them a lot, they did it all.

By the time Ollie and I go back outside, everyone is on the move as Charlie barks out orders to his men and Mark stands by grinning. Liam and Natalie are dropping the tables that were up front and all the food is gone. And I mean gone, not a sandwich or piece of fruit or vegetable. Well, Ollie’s shit out of luck. When Natalie sees us, she smiles softly elbowing Liam in the side. He looks up at her, sees where she’s looking, and turns our way.

“It’s about damn time, you two. We were about to pick straws to see who’d go in and get ya. As you can see, shit’s getting done so, Paisley, can you tell Natalie what else we need to get in order? And you, killer, let’s make sure the pasture and barn are in good order.”

I watch the two men go toward the barn as Natalie walks up to me, placing her hand on my shoulder.

“Everything okay, Paisley? I know he really upset you, but I don’t think he intended to. Something clicked in Ollie the way the boy said it was his fault. I watched him try to control his reaction, but I know you know he’s also dealing with a ton of his own stuff. They don’t tell us much, but I work with those two and have access to their files. And I’m a bit nosy, so yeah, let’s just say Ollie’s been through the wringer in many ways. When he got here a few months ago, he was a total mess. Mark and Liam were worried they wouldn’t be able to get through to him. But these SEALs never give up and never leave one to go it alone. So, as you can see, he is on the mend and since you’ve come into his life, he has some purpose. And hey now, no pressure, you have to do what’s right for you. I’m just saying that life sometimes sneaks up on us and puts us in the right place at the right time, that’s all.

“Enough of my soapbox, let’s get this done so we can see how many babies found forever homes and how much in donations you received today. By the way, great job, sweetie. We’re lucky to have you and this little farm around. Mark told Liam they want to talk to you to see if when some of the soldiers come back and are trying to reenter civilian life, if they could volunteer here. As Ollie told them, and what they saw today with some of the men who were at the event, being around animals open people up in a good way. I think, might be wrong, that three of the guys put in adoption forms and they’re all single, so good for you. Easier sometimes to love a fur baby than a person. Oh, and before I forget, I’ll wait, here she comes. Charlie, shake a leg, sistah.”

Smiling at the two of them, we watch her make a statement by shaking her hips and walking like she’s on a runway. If Mark was around all those looks would end with black eyes, I’m sure.

“Okay, now that Charlie has arrived, we wanted to give this to you from our two families. Oh, sorry, Jackson and Catherine too. I’m so exhausted but had the best time helping. I don’t know how you run that clinic and this place so maybe this can help, we sure hope so.”

She pulls something out of her jeans and hands it to me. Oh shit, it’s a check folded in half. Why did they go and do this? Do I take it? Refuse and give it back? I have no idea. Before I even open it, Charlie puts her two cents in.

“Paisley, just take the damn check. All of us can afford it and if we didn’t want to, we wouldn’t, okay? Don’t make a big deal out of nothing. This is what friends do for friends for Christ’s sake. Now, what else needs to be done?”

Without looking at it I put it in my shorts pocket and we work together to get everything put away, then head into the cool house to check out the adoption paperwork and donations. I feel like today was a win-win for the farm and the animals so I’m smiling as we enter my house.

* * *

Everyone has left and I’m sitting in my bedroom just trying to take it all in. I can’t believe it, but more than half of the dogs and cats are requested for adoption. A farmer put in an offer for the momma cow and calf. And he’s a dairy farmer, so that made my day. They will live a long life there. Even some of the really small animals and exotics have been requested. I’m blown away by the way the community came together. Well, I think Natalie and Charlie, along with the guys, had a big part in it. But I don’t really care at this point because the end result justifies the means. Finding forever homes with good people is my goal.

Donations blew me away. There were more twenties than anything and those I know were from the guys for every water they drank and cookie they ate. Big hearts, every last one of them. Including Ollie. I feel so bad for going off on him, it just got to be so much. If I’d had a few minutes to get my head straight it wouldn’t have happened, but it did and we dealt with it. I’m going to have to get all that cash to the bank and that’s when it hits me, I still have a check in my pocket. Reaching in, I grab it and unfold it. When I look at it, my eyes have to be playing games with me. No way in hell, that can’t be. No, just no. There are way too many zeros.

Shaking my head, my hands trembling, I take a minute then look again. Mother of God, it’s right, I’m seeing it right. I try to remember what all Charlie said. Something about them having the money so don’t argue, and then that Jackson and Catherine matched their donation. So, Charlie and Natalie each donated five thousand dollars and the owner of Cole Security Forces and his wife, who I’ve never met, matched it in the amount of ten thousand dollars. The check is cut from the company and in the comments is a smiley face and written in red ‘just take it.’ I start to laugh but end up crying. I’ve never in my entire life had people take my back like these folks have.

I reach over, grab my phone, and dial Ollie.

“’Lo, Pixie, everything good?”

Trying to control my tears, I sniffle and immediately hear him moving.

“Pixie, what’s wrong? Baby, tell me what’s going on? Fuck don’t have a car; I’ll call someone and be there as soon as I can. Hang on, okay?”

“No, Ollie, hold up for a minute. Nothing’s wrong, these are happy tears.”

“What? What are happy tears, for Christ’s sake? Think I just had a goddamn heart attack.”

Laughing a little at his words, it takes me a minute to pull it together.

As I tell him what his bosses and their wives did, he says not a word. I start to worry when I finally get what’s bothering him.

“Ollie, you give me more than any check could ever give. Just believing in me and being a ‘good guy’ means so much more. Really, honey. I don’t need money from you, I just need you.”

I hear him sigh then quiet. So, I wait, since I’m learning that’s his way.

He needs to process and doesn’t just spout out the first thing that comes to his mind.

“I’m so pissed right now. I’m here, you’re there, and after what you just said—under normal circumstances—my ass would be in my car driving like Mario

Andretti to you. Instead, all I got is the phone, so talk to me, Pixie. About anything, just let’s stay on the phone for a while. You just gave me one of the biggest gifts in my life. I need to keep you close however I can.”

Aww, damn it,I think before I’m sobbing in the phone again.

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