Page 21 of Survivor


I need to get to Pixie. Already left a message for someone to pick me up and I’m just about ready to get in the car in the garage and drive my motherfucking self. Being this close to getting out of this goddamn chair, I don’t want to mess anything up, but after last night, I need my Pixie in my arms and my bed. Well, guess her bed if I’m rushing to her house. We’ve been going slow and steady, but that’s over. I’ve been hard since she told me all she needed was me. Even with the bit of nasty talk we did on the phone, it ain’t enough. Need to feel her surround me, taste her sweetness, and make her scream my name. Again and again.

Daydreaming, I don’t hear the vehicle outside until someone is knocking on the door. Wheeling as quickly as I can, I reach up, unlock, and open the door to see Mark’s smirking face.

“Driving Mr. Ollie, at your service. May I ask where to this early in the morning, sir?”

Wanting to spit nails at him, I turn, reaching for my duffel sitting on the couch. He eyeballs that and the smirk gets wider.

“May I take that for you, sir?”

I can’t handle him anymore.

“Look, asshole, just get me to Paisley’s, will ya, please? And no smart-ass remarks, I’ve had about enough from you already and you just got here. What was your name again, Twinkle Toes, right?”

Grinning like an idiot, he grabs my bag and does some kind of fucked-up dance down to the black SUV. I can’t help it, he’s such a goofy asshole I can’t hold in my laughter.

“Well there, Mr. Ollie, that does sound much better. And my name, sir, is Twilight. Try not to mess that up again, old timer.”

As we get settled in, he reaches to the console and hands me a large coffee.

“Probably shouldn’t give that to you with all that snark coming out of ya. Damn, we need to work on a call name for you, Ollie, a good one too. Got to talk to Dreamboat and Ladykiller.”

“Yeah, with all your names, I don’t have my hopes set too high. What, did a few teenagers pick them? Could be a teenagers’ show Twilight, Ladykiller, and Dreamboat. What the ever-loving-fuck, dude?”

As we go back and forth giving each other shit, my day is starting to look really good. Mark’s a good guy and has gone the distance for me, practically a stranger. Not sure I’ll get a better time.

“Hey, seriously, Mark, just wanted to say thanks for all you guys have done for me. Have to say the therapies down here have helped the most but being around all of you day in, day out has helped clear the cobwebs out of the old noggin. Also seeing there are options helps me so much. Again, you have my gratitude.”

He seems to take my words at face value and as we drive to Pixie’s farm, I’m feeling that brotherhood again. Damn, have I missed it. As he turns down the entrance of the farm, I’m amazed at how one day this place is packed to the gills with folks and today is back to the day-to-day shit. Oh, that reminds me.

“Hey, what you guys did for Pixie was awesome. She was not expecting that, and she actually didn’t know if she should keep it. I told her no one would have done it if you didn’t want to, but you guys are totally the shit.”

“Ollie, we take care of our own and she’s a keeper. All kidding aside, you better be on your best behavior ’cause there are guys waiting to see if you make the cut. Not sure having all those single guys around yesterday to see how awesome that lil’ vet is was a good thing. And you’re right, but we wanted to do it. She works her ass off, maybe it will give her a bit of comfort to know she has some, as Charlie calls it, ‘rainy day funds.’”

He stops in front of the main house and gets my wheelchair out along with the duffel bag. I think it may not be such a good idea showing up without calling. Before I can say a word, the door opens wide and a flash of something comes right at me. Before I realize it, Pixie is on my lap with her two maniac dogs around the chair going ape shit crazy. She’s smiling and gives me a hot and heavy kiss. She realizes I’m not alone when we hear Mark snicker from behind us.

“Hey, Doc, how’s it hanging? Or should I say sitting?”

His laughter surely lets us know where his mind is, crazy bastard. But she just smiles and shifts a bit on my lap. Turning, she winks at me first.

“Morning, Mark, and it’s hanging just right, filled to the brim, ready to percolate.”

My mouth drops as laughter starts bubbling out. The look on Mark’s face has the two of us in hysterics. Before he can put his foot in his big mouth again; he drops the duffel beside the chair, giving Pixie a gentle smile, and pats me on the shoulder.

“You kids have fun. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t and make sure to keep things under wraps, if ya get my meaning.”

Then he’s gone, leaving us finally alone.

Knowing there’s no way in hell I can keep Pixie on my lap and wheel up to the house, I hold her tight for a second then gently place her on her feet, facing the house.

“All right, woman of the house, take me in and have your way with me.”

Giggling, she grabs my duffel, swinging it around herself, and we head inside together.

* * *

After some making out and a fresh cup of coffee, we are lounging in the sunroom, watching the pits run around the yard like the lunatics they are.

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