Page 29 of Survivor


Slowly, the feelings surrounding me remind me of a soft fluffy blanket causing me to snuggle deeper into whatever is making me feel so warm and snug. As I push my butt back, it comes into contact with something hard and warm, no hot. Wow, very hard. Then hands around my middle pull me into sensations a plenty. From the heat all up and down my back to the breath on my neck and shoulders. The hands are spanning out, caressing my tummy, and slowly making their way downward, which is eager for their touch. I stretch out and a tree trunk leg crosses over mine, trapping me. At the intensity of everything, I open my eyes and look over my shoulder, right into Ollie’s eyes. How can this man wake up and be so frigging drop-dead gorgeous? Those lazy deep brown eyes draw you in. They pay such close attention to everything in a good way. Like he cares enough to make sure I’m okay. Ollie is always thoughtful in that way. My eyes roam over his face, seeing the dark stubble on his cheeks as his lips form into a sexy as shit smile, eyes twinkling my way. I feel that all the way down to my clit, which tingles with the look in those shining unusual brown eyes that are looking at me so intensely.

Feeling one of his hands moving down and reaching for the waistband of my jammies, I shift as he pushes them down enough for me to shimmy out of them. Immediately his one leg moves between the two of mine, bringing the top one slightly back and over his hips. Feeling him get close, his fingers barely whisper over me before he’s steadily pushing his rigid heavy cock into me without saying a word. Only his eyes communicate as they continue to watch me. Feeling the stretch, my eyes start to close but Ollie shakes his head and stops.

Looking at him, I swear to God, he told me not to close my eyes, but his mouth never moved. As soon as my eyes are wide open, with one final thrust his cock plunges into me until it hits my very center. We both gasp but neither of us move. Yet. His hands come up to cup my head for a brief second then he raises my hands to the headboard. With my hands wrapped around the frame and my eyes never leaving his, I feel the slow slide of him as his body pulls back and out. As I try to catch my breath, out of nowhere Ollie rams into me and the dance begins.

Holding my hips, the constant pull and push of his body into mine causes every nerve ending to rise. The hair on his legs brushing on my body, him nibbling on my ear, then moving to my neck sucking hard.Oh, that’s going to leave a mark,I think to myself as my mind goes blank at the powerful thrusts as Ollie drives into my body.

Nothing matters but the feelings he’s causing inside me. It’s building and I know it’s going to be huge. Bigger than ever before. When one of his hands moves from my hips to between my legs, I actually wiggle to make room for his fingers. As he pinches my sweet spot, I feel like I’m ready to take off. He shifts behind me and hits me just right as his fingers press down hard and I fly. My body releases and I flood his hand and cock, but I can’t stop. Not a word comes from my lips, making this so much more intense.

As Ollie races for his finish, my eyes are locked on to his. I watch as beads of sweat roll down his face as that longer hair on top flips over his forehead. He has his lower lip clutched by his upper teeth as his breaths become short and ragged as he starts to pant. His hips are moving with such speed and intention, a fleeting thought crosses my mind that his repaired hip is beyond healed and is doing just fine. That brings a tiny giggle to my lips at the precise moment Ollie lets out a beast of a moan, grinding into me and staying planted as far as he can go; all the time his eyes never moving from mine.

I’ve never had such an intimate moment with anyone, with no words, and I feel as close to a human being as I can be with another. When Ollie’s body softens to the point he’s just about out, he pulls away from me for just a minute then I’m in his arms, held tight to his side. This is the last thing I remember before my eyes close.

* * *

Noise. That’s what it is, I’m thinking. But what? I can’t make it out because it’s coming from somewhere but getting closer. As I attempt to fully wake up, my hands rubbing my eyes, it hits me. My body feels used. Yeah, used but in an excellent way. Stretching, I pull myself up to the headboard so I can sit up. Just as I pull the covers back over me, the bedroom door opens and Ollie is in the doorway. Holding one of my trays in his one hand and in the other a cane of some sort, so he’s concentrating on getting in and then settling. When his head leans back and he sees me watching him, an eyebrow goes up immediately.

“Okay, Pixie, not sure anyone ever told ya but when a man is making love to you, that’s not the time to giggle. Not even if I’m hitting your most ticklish spot. So, what was so hilarious that with my cock pounding away, it brought a giggle to those gorgeous lips of yours?”

Grinning at him impishly, knowing he’s being funny, I let it go.

“I had the thought that your hip is definitely healed and if you need a note for your doctor, I can write one for you giving you an all thumbs-up.”

For just a brief second his eyes go wide and then a hearty, boisterous burst of laughter comes from his lips. He places the tray on my long dresser, coming my way, reaching out. Once he’s sitting with me almost in his lap, I’m hauled up to him. He crushes his lips to mine at first, but then becomes so gentle his kisses feel like wisps of nothingness as he eventually pulls away.

“Pixie, you hungry? I’m not as good as you but wanted to bring you breakfast, well, brunch in bed. So, get yourself situated and let me serve you as they say, ‘breakfast in bed my lady.’”

As I sit up, a tray appears right in front of me. Holy shit, there’s eggs, bacon, toast, and a fruit salad I know wasn’t there last night, so he put that together too. He walks around the bed, gently getting into bed, kind of sitting yet lying on his side, picking at the fruit.

“Oh my God, Ollie, no one has ever gone and done this for me. Thank you honey, it makes me feel so special. You’re such a good guy.”

His head falls down before he looks back up and smiles. Then we take our time eating and feeding each other breakfast. And afterward, once the tray is placed on the floor, I take some time to show my appreciation to Ollie for being such a sweetie.

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