Page 30 of Survivor


Sitting on the couch watching Paisley play with her two pits, I’ve never been so relaxed before in my life. Well, it could be the multiple orgasms. Damn, Pixie is truly something else. We fit together like we were meant to be and fingers crossed, that’s how this goes.

“Hey, Pixie, got a second? Maybe we can have that talk now.”

Her head comes up, immediately looking my way. Not sure what she sees but she unhurriedly walks and sits next to me. I grab her hands and give her a comforting squeeze. I think this is all good news but again she has more to lose, so here goes.

“I know we’re brand new still, trying to get to know each other. Saying that, this feels like we’ve always been together, and it feels natural. Pixie, I’ve never been so at ease with any other woman or given thought to the future. You asked me if I would stay here in Virginia and start a new career at Cole Security Forces. I gave it so much thought but the only thing worth sticking around for is you. Hey, don’t get your hackles up, give me time to explain. Watching you here at the farm and also at the clinic, an idea popped into my head. It happened after your open house and how all the guys and gals reacted here at the farm.

“Every one of them was former military either vetted or being vetted for the firm. Jackson and Mark handpick candidates personally. What they don’t realize is some of us don’t want to spend the majority of our work career in a building behind a desk. Yeah, they have missions: search and rescue or recover and some covert missions, but those are, from what I’m getting, fewer and far between. And those missions go to the elite only, the best of the best. I even talked to Noodles and a couple of others, and they actually feel like I do. So, I brought something to the table and actually talked to both Mark and Jackson. Now please know there’s no pressure behind this ’cause I know you have so much to lose if you were to even consider leaving Virginia. But, Pixie, my heart isn’t here, it’s at home in Montana. Took me coming here and meeting you to realize it. There’s nothing stopping me but my own fear. Or that’s what one of those goddamn therapists told me.

“Anyway, I was thinking that maybe we could start up a facility back at home for recovering military, either injured physically or mentally. And by facility, I mean something that combines a medical facility with one like you have here for unwanted animals or fur babies that have been left behind. Some form of training camp for both. Because if we do it right, the animals that will be there will end up going to military families. Be it a service animal or for a new start for a soldier and their family. Don’t have it all figured out, but when I talked to the guys, they came up with some suggestions. It wouldn’t be part of the Cole Security Forces but if they run across some ex-military who could benefit from what we are offering and working at, they would refer them to us and our facility.

“Now this is only in the beginning stages, but this is what I have so far. Onyx, my sister out in Cali, is in—which shocks the ever-lovin’-shit out of me. That she even would consider going back home, I’m surprised, but she knows I went to her because of her background as a Navy corpsman and also being a nurse. She’s had it with the veterans’ hospital and how they refuse to move with the times. It’s killing her to see injured soldiers not getting the care they need.

“Now her only stipulation is that no one is turned away. That can get difficult, according to Mark, but that’s all she’s asking to move back to Montana and help me. Next, I phoned our parents. They always said as we were growing up, the ranch would be divided between all of us kids to keep us close. And my brothers have taken them up on it. How many acres do you have here on the farm, Pixie?”

Watching her think, I know this is a lot to throw at someone and I feel for her.

“I’m not sure of the total acreage as Joe and Merty still have a few acres with their home, but if I remember right, it’s around thirtyish acres. With the farm being a shelter and when I started taking in big farm animals, I was told that it was a regulation that you have to have so many acres per each of those big farm animals. And even before I came around, Joe was letting neighbors and farmers use the pastures and stuff like that for their cows and horses. I don’t think we use more than ten or fifteen of them right now with all the buildings and stuff. Joe would know all that stuff anyway.”

That struck me funny, so I asked her.

“Why would Joe know more than you do?”

She glances my way then puts her head down, taking a deep breath.

“Ollie, I bought this place a few years ago because Joe and Merty were desperate and needed money for some of her treatments that their insurance wouldn’t cover. I knew them through my clinic and volunteering here. They were already taking in my overflow from the clinic. It crushed their family to think about putting this place up for sale, and those two are like secondary parents to me. So, I talked it over with them and it took time because I had to find some vets who were interested in buying into my business. That’s how Dr. Greene and Dr. Georges came into the picture.”

Damn, I’m shocked. Can’t think of a soul who would do what she did for folks that weren’t family. But now it makes sense with Joe always around and even their kids and grandkids working here. It’s home. Fuck, not sure if this is good or going to make things more complicated. Leave it to Pixie to straighten everything out.

“Ollie, I’ve been doing some really intense thinking myself. I knew your heart was in Montana and this was never going to be your home. Even spoke to Joe about it, which started another conversation between us. Also, like you said, we’re really new, but I like where we’re going and hope you’re on that same page. I’ve never felt like this before and don’t want to take a chance and lose it. So, what did you come up with because I know you’re not done yet with your story?”

“No, Pixie, I’m not. As I said, I called ‘the parents’ and Dad said that they gifted acreage to each brother and all three sisters can have theirs when they want. Though at the moment, he refused to give the land to my sister, Breanna, because he said something crazy about how he didn’t want any shit going on with that ‘club’ she’s in. She can have her land only if it doesn’t involve the Devil Handmaiden’s MC. Onyx already told me if I need it, she’ll take her land right next to mine as long as she has some room for herself, a home and her menagerie of animals. Dad and Mom told me that each boy received a parcel of approximately forty so if I decide to, as Dad put it, to ‘follow my dreams,’ that they would start me off with that amount of land but were open to letting us buy more as needed. Dad is also interested in being involved so might be a way to build back my relationship with him, since me leaving for the service hurt him bad. Mark said he can call in some folks he knows who can give me some direction on how to start a non-profit organization. That’s all I got at this point, Pixie girl.”

“So how do I figure in all your plans then, Ollie? You haven’t said anything, are you wanting me to be a consultant or are you thinking we do a long-distance relationship or a monthly booty call? Because I’m going to be honest, I don’t want any of those.”

Smiling, I lean over, pulling her on my lap. All that sass is making me hard again. Seeing it register when her ass comes in contact with the length of my hard cock, she gasps then literally punches me in the chest. Then total shock as she covers her face with her hands.

“Pixie, calm the fuck down. No, I don’t want a goddamn booty call or to work with you as a bullshit consultant. What’s wrong with you? Yeah, we’re new but I know what I’m feeling and hope you feel at least a little bit of the same. Look at me, Pix. Come on.”

She lifts her head, eyes brimming with tears.

“Baby, I think I’m falling in love with you. And I only say think ’cause I don’t have a clue what it’s supposed to feel like. I’ve never been here before. Do know that I’m at my best when we’re together. You make me want to be a better man, which says a lot for you, Pixie. And you build me up and give me back some of the confidence I lost. That’s what I’m feeling around you.”

She throws her arms around my neck, kissing my face all over. As I reach for her, she pushes back, face all serious as shit.

“Ollie, I’m sorry for being so nasty before. I’m scared of these feelings and I’m not good with change. Well, I hate it to be perfectly honest. But your ideas are really good. When I was talking to Joe about you, he mentioned his son, Doug, and his wife were talking about the farm and how they wish there was a way they could buy it. Now, not sure if I want to sell all of it, but maybe we can figure out a way to keep some of this, along with my share of the clinic, and work together to build something new in Montana. Never been there but from what I hear from someone who grew up there, it’s beautiful.”

“Damn, Pixie, you’ve never been to Big Sky Country? I’m looking forward to showing you all around.”

As I grind up into her, she pushes back down. This strong pixie of a woman has flipped my life upside down and ain’t nothing I’m more grateful for.

“Oh, Ollie, if we do this my dogs have to come with. And I kind of put my hand in the basket to take two of the puppies. Not to mention your family of five cats. Looks like we’re on the right road with all these fur babies of ours.”

She giggles until I lift up and my lips meet hers. Then her giggles turn to sexy whimpers. And those little sounds lead to me making her moan and scream my name. Again and again.

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