Page 4 of Survivor


Sitting next to Onyx in her SUV, my mind is blown away. How am I on my way to meet up withtheJackson Cole? Fuck, he started Cole Security Forces up when he had left the service. Why I’m even gonna be in the same room with this man I have no idea. Somehow and for some reason Onyx set this all up and I’m just going for the ride, I’m guessing.

Looking to my left at my sister, she looks like the road has her full concentration, which I know is total bullshit. We’ve been fighting since she told me that ‘we’ had this appointment but wouldn’t give me a damn idea why. Oh yeah, I’ve heard of the company and owner, but it still doesn’t explain why in God’s name I would have any reason to be in the same room with that guy. Can’t wrap my head around it. The whole company he formed is from the top elite—best of the best—in every branch of the military. The word through the grapevine is he handpicks who he wants, and no one ever says no. I mean, why would they: you get to do what you love and get paid for it. And from what I hear very generously paid. Not to mention the rules I’m sure are much different than when in military service.

“What, are you going to glare at me the whole rest of the way? Jesus, get over it, Ollie, you didn’t leave me any choice. When’s the last time you took your meds for the anxiety and depression? You promised and somehow being a dumbass, you seem to forget I’m a fucking nurse who can tell when you’re not taking your meds. I’m so pissed at you right now. What the hell was last night, huh? Did you get any sleep or just wear out my floors wheeling back and forth in that fucking wheelchair for Christ’s sake? Only reason I didn’t come out there is because I’m so sick of fighting with you, brother. It was this or call the parents, which I knew you would definitely hate. So, suck it up, brother, and be the badass Navy SEAL y’all talk about.”

The longer she keeps talking, the more pissed off I’m getting. Who the ever-lovin-fuck does Half-Pint think she is? Why is she busting my balls? Yeah, during one of our fights she informed me the other night that she also was in the Navy. I actually laughed and she literally came right up to me and punched me right in the chest. And that shit hurt bad. She refused to talk to me the rest of the night. Yeah, know I’m being a total dick, but I can’t help it. The nightmares are back in full force, so I can’t sleep, and the meds make me loopy as hell. Why I can’t tell her all the details I don’t know, but I’m keeping the worst of it close to my chest for some unknown purpose. She’s the only person in my life fighting for me because I can’t. I’ve just about given up and the road my mind is traveling lately is truly dark. Turning I look out the side window, cracking my neck.

“Sis, ain’t got nothing. Even after we talked and I shared most of the fucked-up mess and I honestly don’t mean to be such a bastard, but for my own sanity there is some shit I can’t talk about at all. I’ve buried it deep in my head. Can’t share not even with you Onyx. I don’t understand it, you know I’ve been going to therapy and taking the meds, well most of the time, but it’s all gotten to be too much. I’ll leave, best solution I can try and find somewhere else so that I’m not fucking up your life ‘cause I love ya too much, Half-Pint.”

Hearing sniffles, my head jerks in time to see Onyx wiping her cheeks. Goddamn, that’s all on me. Before anything can come out of my mouth she grabs my hand, squeezing tight.

“Olls, you’re stuck with me asshole, so no talk about leaving right now. Didn’t want to get too deep into your stuff if you don’t want me to, but I can’t sit around and watch you just waste your life away. You have way too much to offer. This has to be that ‘Y’ in your road, brother. Remember Charlie from when I was in college?”

She looks my way again and it takes a minute but then I smile huge.

“You mean that chick you brought to the ranch with you? Damn, she was HOT. And that mouth, son of a bitch, all of us boys were ready to beat each other to death to get her attention. But when she opened her mouth, holy shit, cold as ice.”

“Good to know you can recall her. Just to remind you, her name is Charlie and she’s married to Mark Dixon.”

At that name I know my face shows my shock. Holy motherfucker, Mark Dixon is partners with Jackson Cole, and they own Cole Security Forces together. Now confusion must be all over my face. What would either Mark or Jackson want with me? An ex-Navy SEAL whose last mission ended in total chaos, who lost his team, and is now slowly losing his mind. Well, not the entire team, but it was cut down by more than half dead, and the rest held captive, tortured, and then rescued or killed. I carry each of those deaths and team members close to my heart. And those thoughts right there are what is keeping me up nights.

“Hey, you listening, Olls? So, knowing I don’t have the tools you need, I thought I’d reach out to Charlie. We’ve kept in touch over the years and being that Mark is a former SEAL, I thought maybe if you talked to someone who lived that life and would understand, it could help. I just don’t know how to sit with my head up my own ass watching you slowly go into yourself more than you already have. Please, Ollie, give this a chance. I’m begging you.”

Looking into her eyes, it hits me how much she loves me and is worried. That’s why she’s reached out to her friend. There’s no reason for me to doubt her at all. Onyx has gone against our parents for me every time I did some fool-ass shit as a kid, and then also as an adult. She picked up the slack when I told the parents I was going into the Navy and fought with them to let me go. There’s never been a time my kid sister didn’t have my back, unlike our other siblings. Well, Brenna did up to a point. Anyway, I never comprehended how much I owe Onyx. Once I left, yeah, we talked and of course have seen each other but when she went in, I wasn’t there for support. Now’s my time to make it up to her.

“Okay, Half-Pint, I’ll give it a chance. Will listen with an open mind and heart, promise. I’m actually a little in awe meeting Jackson. His skills are known throughout all branches of the military, not to mention his missions are ones that are still talked about. Before I forget, thanks for doing this. Even if it goes to shit and all it turns out to be is a conversation, it means a lot that you would go to this extreme to pull my head outta my ass.”

After my little speech, the air is cleared and for the rest of the drive, we just joke and continue to talk. Not about anything specific just a brother and sister enjoying each other’s company on an afternoon drive.

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