Page 5 of Survivor


Fuck, I haven’t been this nervous since I was starting my BUD/S training my God, I haven’t thought about that time in ages, but knowing that shortly I’ll be in the presence of those two guys is getting my anxiety up. My leg begins shaking as I start to feel itchy. Not to mention I gotta piss and being in this fucking wheelchair I can’t get around too good. It’s hard enough at Onyx’s house to get into that huge-ass bathroom, I can’t imagine what it’s gonna be like at this office. Should have taken a leak before we left.

As we approach the building it’s huge. Just seeing the name of the company on that mammoth wall, which is as long as a couple of city blocks, takes my breath away. Very industrial with kind of a military undertone. Thinking to myself I so don’t belong here.

“Okay, as you can see we’re here Olls. Let me text Charlie and ask where exactly we have to go. I’ll drop you at the door, just wait for me to park, and we can go in together. If you don’t want me with you during the meet and greet, I’m sure Charlie and I can catch up. Just let me know, give me some kind of a sign. All I ask is please don’t lose it, Ollie. I know you get overwhelmed and shit, but this is a once-in-a-lifetime chance even to just chat with these guys, as you know.

“I’ve spent some time and looked them up. Shit, Olls, they’re big time, more than I could have imagined. They not only deal with covert shit with countries across the world, I’m assuming that no one knows anything about, but also hostage-rescue missions too. Some of those that are out there, holy mother of God, not only did they save those folks but they caught some really horrible human beings in the process. Now, I don’t know the whole of it, and I guess some of the worst ones don’t make it back, and I’m good with that, just sayin’. Take this as a golden opportunity, brother. You have the world at your feet right now, and if something comes from this, run with it. No pun intended. And I’m always here for you to fall back on, okay?”

Before I can even reply, we arrive at the entrance. Two attendants come to the car, one to my door and the other to the trunk waiting, I’m guessing, for it to open. Once Onyx clicks the button, that dude grabs my wheelchair, opens it, and rolls it to the side of the SUV. When I push the door open, both guys come to the open area, each extending an arm for me to grab. Holy fuck, how did they know how hard it is for me to just get out without putting any weight on my leg and hip? Turning, getting both legs out so I’m facing them both, I grab an arm on each side and before I’m ready, they first look at each other, and then place their other hand under my arm and lift me up, placing me into the wheelchair. Without any effort my ass is comfortably sitting on the cushion.

Onyx comes around, telling me she’ll be right back and asks the guys if I can wait inside for her. One of the guys says something to her then walks around her Lincoln and gets in as she goes to the passenger side rear door, opens it, and grabs her suitcase of a purse. When she’s clear, the SUV drives away as the attendant left starts to wheel me toward the entrance. As we approach, there’s a pillar with a handicap button to automatically open the door. Once both doors are unbound, we roll through. I come to a stop off to the left of the doors and the attendant then extends his hand to me.

“Hey, sorry I didn’t introduce myself earlier. I’m Moose, sir. Before we head to the rendezvous for your meeting with the bosses, do you need to hit the head?”

Nodding, he gives Onyx a chin lift then gets behind me and pushes me down the hall to the double doors at the end. As we approach, the doors start to open and once he pushes us through, it hits me we’re in the bathroom. Holy shit, it is fucking huge, about the size of a normal apartment. And it’s decked out probably more than the ADA requires. Moose pushes me into a huge stall, locking the wheelchair right in front of the toilet. On either side of me are walls with grab bars.

“Sir, you’re locked so if you want to hold on to the bars, I’ll lift you from behind then give you some privacy. Just tell me when.”

Amazed beyond belief, I do as asked. Before I can comprehend, I’m up, my chair is moved back, and the door is closing. I carefully use an arm and unzip, aim, and let loose. Goddamn, that feels so good I literally groan and hear a snicker. Whatever, I don’t give a damn, I almost didn’t make it. When I’m done and flush, before I can call Moose, he’s back with my form of transportation, gently touching the back of my legs. Honestly, I could get use to this kind of treatment.

After washing my hands at a counter, one that is adjusted for wheelchair height, we head back to where my sister is talking to another woman with her back to me. All I see is shiny, straight black hair. As we approach, both of them turn and I’m looking right into Charlie’s ice-blue eyes which are checking me out.

“Well, well looky here. Ollie, you’ve done grown up. Not bad, not bad at all.”

She comes toward me, grabbing my hand, shaking it fiercely. Then she leans down and gives me a sweet kiss on my cheek.

“Hey now, leave you alone for a minute, Princess, and you’re picking up strangers in the entrance of my own company. Come on, have some finesse.”

She turns smiling huge.

“Twilight, honey, you have nothing to worry about and you know it, you cocky asshole. Remember me talking about my college friend, Onyx? This is her and this handsome man is her brother, Ollie. You and Jackson are meeting with him in about ten minutes or once Jackson is done on that conference call, you jerk.”

My head is spinning. Wait what the fuck, Onyx didn’t tell me I was meeting both of the owners of Cole Security Forces. She never mentioned Mark being here too. When I look her way to give her the stink eye, she looks as shocked as I’m sure I do. Well goddamn, both of the O’Briens are beyond shocked. Onyx’s mouth is wide open, and her eyes are bugging out. Well damn, I don’t feel so bad then. Both of us being Navy, we’ve heard of both Twilight and Muffin. Their reputation precedes them.

Trying to pay attention to what’s going on right in front of me, I don’t catch anyone behind me until I hear Onyx gasp. Oh, fuck, now what is it, the Navy band ready to play “Anchors Aweigh”? Feeling a hand on my shoulder that gives me a squeeze, I turn my head, tilt, and look up right into penetrating blueish-green eyes keenly watching me. I knew who he was before any introduction. The guy has to be at least six one or two, if I’m guessing, which means if I was on my feet, we’d look eye to eye since I’m almost six foot two. We’re both tall for Navy SEALs, so that’s at least something we have in common.

He releases my shoulder and walks around the wheelchair so he’s directly in front of me. Hand raised out to me; he gives me a cocky grin.

“Hi. I’m Jackson Cole, welcome to Cole Security Forces. Seems like you already met our mascot over there. Even without his clown makeup, Twilight, is our greeter and icebreaker.”

Everyone laughs as Mark flips Jackson off. Onyx and Charlie are cackling like two hens. Yeah, what I’ve heard is right. Jackson has a sharp wit and dry sense of humor. He wants to make me feel at home and he’s succeeded, as I do. I’m starting to get excited and am looking forward to this meeting.

Point one to Jackson.

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