Page 18 of Sphinx

“What was your first thought the very first time you saw Mom?”

He was quiet for a bit, but I could hear the emotion in his voice when he finally answered. “It was dark, past ten o’clock already, and she was coming out of a movie theater with some friends.” I already knew the story, but I let him answer my question the way he wanted to. “I heard this laugh, and when I turned around, there she was. The most beautiful smile on her face. I remember thinking that I could live without the sun, moon, and stars if I got to see that smile every day for the rest of my life.”

“Rylee had been rushing to class and had nearly run Stone over in her haste to make it on time,” I told him. Being friends with Rylee now, I knew the details. “Stone wrapped his arms around her to keep her from falling over, and he hasn’t been the same since.” I could hear my dad let out a faint chuckle. “Ross and Sutton started dating back before school started, and Ross would have married her then, but he wanted to wait until the initiation was over. He wanted to respect the confidentiality of The Order.”

“That’s very commendable of him,” he remarked. “Most guys aren’t that level-headed when they’re in love.”

“True,” I agreed. “As for Saxton, I can tell you that his marriage is definitely a love match, Dad. While the other marriages are, too, I know-without a doubt-that Saxton and Hastings are in love.”

“There are rumors that Ross lost his sponsor because of his wife. Is that true?”

“No. Ross’ sponsor was dismissed because she didn’t respect their contract,” I corrected. “Dad, I promise you, nothing sinister is going on over here.” I had my fingers crossed behind my back at that one. “Everything is fine.”

“Are you fine?”

When we’d spoken to my father about committing as Saxton’s supporter, he’d been concerned about it dredging up the awful pain of losing my brother as if the pain ever went away. Of course, he had no idea of the real motives behind me signing those contracts, but he’d still be concerned.

“I’m fine, Dad,” I lied again. “Saxton is taking care of me just fine. Just like he promised you.”

“I’m not going to lie to you, honey,” he said. “Stone signing a Hera contract has really shaken up the organization.”

“I can imagine,” I snorted indelicately.

“The class of initiates was already a powerful one, but…well, now that those boys are married, The Order is looking at you guys more closely.”

For all its ridiculousness, the men of the organization really believed that a woman made a more powerful man. Love had nothing to do with it, as evident of the mistresses a lot of these men kept. However, they valued the significance of strong partnerships and what the ‘right’ wife could bring to the table. It was archaic and sexist, but it’s what they believed.

“They’re wary about the marriages because, in their eyes, Ross, Saxton, and Stone are coming into their power a little earlier than the organization would prefer, I take it?”

“Something like that,” he muttered.

“Don’t worry about it, Dad,” I told him. “The guys married for love. Their marriages have nothing to do with the organization.”

“I just worry about you, Kincaid,” he replied honestly. “We always worry about you.”

“I know, Dad.” And I did. “But I’m good. I promise.”

After a few more reassurances, we got off the phone, and I quickly realized that I couldn’t put it off any longer. Sure, August was causing some unpleasantness, but I knew the guys were all quite capable of handling him themselves. If nothing else, I knew for a fact that Saxton could take care of August Remington.

Where to start, though? I had no idea if the person who killed my brother was Alexander, Jacob, or Donovan, so I had no idea who to approach first. It was a fifty/fifty gamble with all three. Arlene wasn’t an option because she was insignificant. So insignificant that I wondered what she was still doing here. I understood Alexander’s need to stick around after Stone blindsided him with that Hera contract, but Arlene had no business still being here.

Finishing off my breakfast, my decision was made. Alexander was the one beginning to bleed with his inability to take control of our class, so that was a weakness I could exploit. He was already on the verge of disappointing The Order, so maybe he just needed a little push to make him save himself.

No matter, it was time to find out.