Page 19 of Sphinx

Chapter 11


Alexis was driving me crazy, and I wasn’t even sure that I could blame her. While annoying, her concerns were valid. Not only had it been confirmed that Jennifer Polk had dropped out of HU, but now there were rumors circulating on social media that her father’s business was in trouble, and I honestly had no idea if that was The Order’s doing or if the man was financially stupid. However, since he’s been a decent and successful businessman all these years, it seemed odd that he’d suddenly forget how to do legitimate business.

So, with Alexis scared to death that she wasn’t meeting the requirements that she contracted herself to meet, she’s been texting me constantly, asking me if I needed anything.

It was driving me nuts.

It was like she didn’t understand fucking English. I’d told her to stay away from August and Laney, but she’s been hanging out with Laney, arguing that she didn’t want to disobey Alexander’s decree that they all get along. I’d told her to quit bugging me, but she’s been texting every day, arguing that she just wants us to be friends. She needed reassurance that I wasn’t going to leave her to the wolves like Ross had done Jennifer.

Honestly, the only positive thing that has happened-besides the weddings-was that Ross’s brother Banks was finally getting his shit together. Ross had dished out some tough love a few weeks back, and I guess it worked. According to Ross, their phone calls were more cordial these days.

My phone buzzed in my pocket, and I already knew who it was.

Alexis: We’re going 2 Curtis’ party 2night, right?

We weren’t going anywhere. The girl said she was going and had asked if I was going, too.

Me: I told u I would probably c u there

Alexis: Great!

“You’re scowling awfully hard at that phone, Harrington.”

I looked up and Saxton was smirking at me. “Yeah, well, you would too if you had chosen wrong,” I griped.

He laughed as I slipped my phone back in my pocket. Knowing what I was referring to, he said, “Luckily, I didn’t.”

“She’s driving me nuts,” I told him. I wasn’t sure about Saxton, but I had about twenty minutes to get to my next class. “She’s paranoid that she’s going to end up like Jennifer, but yet she doesn’t listen to a fucking word I say.”

“Is she still hanging out with Laney?” he asked, and it was a concern for all of us.

“Yeah,” I answered. “And if that’s not enough, the girl just won’t get off my dick. She says she’ll feel better if we became real friends.”

Saxton lifted one dark brow. “C’mon, Fox,” he drawled out. “You know that girl is looking to be more than just your friend.”

“Of course, I know,” I replied. “And that’s another thing that I don’t get. If she’s so terrified of ending up like Jennifer, why try to sleep with me? She knows the penalty for that.”

Saxton shrugged. “Maybe all these weddings are going to her head. It could be in the details, you know.”

“What do you mean?”

“All Hastings and Sutton had to do was sign the confidentiality NDAs and contracts,” he said. “Maybe Alexis is thinking that marrying her makes it all okay.”

“Has anyone ever married their supporter after the fact?” I asked, not that I had any plans on dating, much less marrying Alexis.

“I’m not sure,” he muttered. “I don’t think so, though. Alexander would have mentioned it during the initiation when he had laid out the rule, don’t you think?”

I shook my head. “At any rate, whether it’s allowed or not, I’m not dating or marrying Alexis Wyatt. At this point, I can barely stand her. I hadn’t expected her to be so damn needy.”

“Maybe she wasn’t. Maybe all this stuff with August, Laney, and Jennifer has made her that way,” he said, giving her the benefit of the doubt. “Although, I’m not sure where the romantic notions came into play.”

I shot him a look. “I am not interested in that girl.”

Saxton threw his hands up in mock surrender. “Oh, hey, I never said that you did.”

“What all do you know?” I finally asked him, crossing into a conversation that I knew he didn’t want to have.