Page 42 of Sphinx

“You fucking bitch!” Alexis kept screaming. “You stupid cunt! I’m going to fuck you up!”

“Enough!” Alexander roared. “That’s enough!”

“You can’t do this!’ Alexis yelled at him, turning her wrath from Laney. “This is all her fault!”

“That is where you are wrong, Ms. Wyatt,” Alexander snapped. “We are all responsible for our actions, whether of our own accord or under the influence of others. You knew the rules, and instead of honoring them, you chose to believe Ms. Spinner because her words better served your purpose. That purpose being Mr. Harrington.”

Her eye narrowed in hate and anger. “Oh, yeah,” she spewed. “Well, what about Fox fucking Kincaid? How about that?”

You could feel the shock of her announcement rock Alexander, Jacob, Donovan, and Laney. August had already suspected because of his confrontation with Fox, but Alexis had just confirmed what he’d suspected.

The only thing that I was surprised by was that Alexis knew about me and Fox. Other than a few text messages throughout the day, Fox had been avoiding me since Saturday night. I’d had no idea that Alexis had been hitting on him, or that he had called Alexander to discuss it with him. It was also no wonder why Alexander was so pissed off. This was going to be the second supporter from this class to be ousted, and that didn’t look good for the home team.

“What about those rules?” Alexis kept hammering. “It’s okay for them to sleep together?”

Alexander looked my way. “Is that true?”

Before Friday night, this would have been an easy situation to rectify. While it wasn’t against the rules, per se, it was frown upon. My loyalty was supposed to begin and end with Saxton. With Alexander not knowing that Saxton was my best friend, it was reasonable for him to question who I’d choose if it ever came down to it.

However, now that I knew that Jacob and Donovan were sharing Arlene, and that’s why she was still around, that changed the game in my favor. If Alexander wanted to go after me and Fox, he couldn’t do it without exposing the little arrangement his supporter had with two members of The Order. Who would she choose? Him or the two guys who were fucking her stupid?

“Yes,” I answered, and there was satisfaction in seeing him blanch.

Like I said, what could he do about it?